Strange names we give things?

If someone is a person who normally wears a uniform wears plain clothes they are said to be in Mufti attire
Seeking a shore pass, of which he obtained without difficulty, the Sailor changed into mufti and went ashore.

Kecks = trousers/underpants

The sailor changed his kecks before going ashore,

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My old Jalopy…

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It has been a long time since I heard that word. :slightly_smiling_face:

Mufti day,when you could go to school in your day to day clothes and not in school uniform.

My dad was Londonborn and bred and used a lot of the rhyming slang, which I picked up and still say, even though no one knows what I’m on about!

So when I say “get that down yer Darby” people tend to look at me sideways and edge away…… :rofl:

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In my younger years our ears were called ‘wickers’. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Do you say that whilst plying people with “plates of meat”, such as Boiled Beef and Carrots?! :rofl:

I’m one of those vegetarians which the song says lives on “food they give to parrots!” :rofl:


@Bretrick Minkie. All of my four daughters had that name for their ‘difference’ and to this day I do not know where that came from. Of course, it became passed on to my granddaughters too.

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My brother bought a state of the art mobility scooter some months ago, after selling the car. He always refers to it as his jalopy.

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Absolutely, because that’s the stuff for your Derby Kell!

But “plates of meat” means feet! :rofl::rofl::rofl: