Stop Cashless Britain petition

The options are:

  1. contactless card with the occasional use of cash, or
  2. contactless card only.

I prefer card to cash, but that’s not the question.

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Wouldn’t be so bad if the damn banks didn’t charge for every card payment. My window cleaner says he couldn’t afford to get one of those wee machines and take card payments, he did look into it and told the bank, no way. Same with my Chiropodist who comes to the house, he says he couldn’t afford it either, says it’s fine for big companies but not the little man working on his own.
Also as someone else mentioned, the grand children like to go to the shop for their sweets, they like the feel of their pocket money.
AND, AND What about when they system crashes? It does every so often, if your at the checkout with a weekly shop then your up the creek minus your paddle, while folk with cash on them smile and go through the till.


Here is a serious note for all us old fogies who don’t want to use our brains anymore, you are in a shop Ok, you make a purchase Ok, no cash so you present your brainless contactless card Ok, in an attempt to prevent fraud. Because you are on your tenth transaction, your bank wants you to insert your card into the machine Ok, but, you are an old fogey and have forgotten your PIN number, you think Ok, I will pay by cash, but you have forgotten, there is no cash anymore, utter confusion ensues Ok.


Whenever I’m asked for my PIN after I’ve just been tap, tap, tapping, my mind goes blank and I go into panic mode. I know it so well, really, but I just freeze :rofl:


I had a bit of a go at them and made a complaint at an exhibition in the Royal West of England Academy, no less

It was their summer exhibition, £7.50 to go in, and they didn’t accept cash!

No problem for me, I’ve got my faithful card

But that means anyone without one couldn’t go in

And it’s usually the poor, elderly, teenagers or homeless who don’t have cards

Bristol is supposed to be a city that prides itself on it’s inclusivity, so why contribute to social exclusion by making it hard for these people to get in to see your exhibition?

So write in a complaint, I did!

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See, because of the Banks security protocol, the oldies carry their pin number on a bit of paper in their pocket along with their bank card, should they forget the number :smiley:

It irks when it’s a cash only. You have to get the cash , it’s another faff . Also I seem to be a small change magnate more faffing.
I’ve changed hairdresser and the dog groomer for that reason.

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There’s nothing worse than arriving at Sainsbury’s and realising that you’ve forgotten to bring a pound coin for a trolley…oh the language!!!


OR, they do what many seem to do, and that is use the card’s last 4 digits as their PIN … sorted!

Or remember the pattern on the key pad rather than the numbers. So 3654 is top right corner, down one, three left. This worked well for me until I was presented with a key pad that was fixed to the counter and at right angles to me. Then I had no idea. I think I typed 1248 three times and the card was locked. But apart from that minor hiccup…

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That’s what I do, and I can do it blindfold.

I rarely use cash - I have a £20 note in my purse which has been there for many months, just in case. I pay my window cleaner, gardener and dog minder with bank transfer. Shopping, hairdresser, petrol etc. with my bank card and I have a car park app. on my phone for car parking - which is really good because it reminds me when the paid allotted time is almost over and I can extend it via my phone if I need to do so. I have never forgotten my PIN either - and I could be classed as an oldie being in my late 70s.
I doubt there will be a cashless society in our lifetime - but if there is I am well prepared!

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Ditto. People should have the choice and not be unfairly disadvantaged if they choose cash. That is the point @Boot.

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I use a much simpler method to remember my pin number…
I add up the number of letters in my name = 11 - and times it by by birthdate 11 x 14 = 154
I add the year I was born = 1950
And I end up with > 2104…Walla… :115:

Oh Shit! …


Over 162,000 people have signed the petition now. :clap::clap:


O dear poor GB news to be investigated

. (3) Ofcom Launches New Investigation Into GB News - YouTube

It would be hard to give a Christmas gift to our postman though LD.

Or the bin man or the window cleaner or some sweets for kids at the local shop…

I didn’t realise this was a gb news petition. I thought it was official. I wouldn’t put my details on their website.

