Stephen Hawking Is A Fake

I agree , but with his intelligence I hope he is able to focus on more positive things in life, than what some imbeciles post on the internet.:roll:
Stephen Hawking has proved that he can deal with much worse than what a few dimwits say, and he has won the respect of others whilst doing so:!::038:

People who believe in conspiracy theories are more likely to be suffering from stress, a new study by British researchers has found.

The study, led by Anglia Ruskin University’s Professor Viren Swami, is the first to analyse the relationship between psychological stress and belief in conspiracies.

During his research, Professor Swami recruited 420 participants from the ages of 20 and 78, and asked them how strongly they believed in conspiracy theories like the supposed faking of the 1969 moon landing, or the alleged assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. by the US government.

He then assessed their levels of stress, gathering information on their general mental states and the number of stressful experiences they had gone through recently.

Overall, the study found that the stronger their belief in conspiracy theories, the more stressful life events they had experienced in the previous six months, and the higher their general levels of stress were in the previous month.

The participants came from varying demographics, but the results stayed consistent across the board - younger people were slightly more likely to believe in conspiracies, but there were no significant differences in belief between women and men, or different social classes.

I am awaiting a post that states that report is a cover up. :!:

I;m off out shopping cos I don’t want any stress from the conspiracy believers :-p

Oh no…block your ears when you go into the supermarket…they use subliminal music and announcements to make you buy stuff…it happens in Asda, I came out of there with 20 mobiles phones and a blue eggwhisk once…BLUE! :shock: for crying out loud!

It’s getting more like “The Wright Stuff” on here every day!
Good job we’re not phoning our opinions in or we’d get cut off! :wink:

Free speech regulates itself. As in this forum.

That’s why if people are being horrid I tell 'em off!
If they’re free to be nasty then it follows that we’re free to object aren’t we?
I’d rather slap them but I can’t reach.

That’s interesting May. The significant point being that none of the cover-ups affect their day to day life in the slightest. They are also helpless to influence them.

But at the end of the day all these theories are no different to the mass delusion about the state of the world (politics/economics, environmental, social).

I haven’t studied philosophy (aside from dabbling in Plato’s republic), but it appears that what we consider to be true is only true because most of us believe it to be so. I suppose religions came about to give people a point of reference in a world where truth is not what it seems…

O would some power the gift tae gie Us,tae see Oorselves as others see Us.

Ahem speaking of fooling folks.

Nom - you’re surely not suggesting the Nessie doesn’t exist?

You’ll be saying there are no Dragons or Unicorns next !

How very dare You Nom…EVERYONE knows oor Nessie is alive and well,so You Sassanachs aint havin’ Her…She’s a very independent Monster I’ll have Ye know.

Perhaps she is traveling south so Nom can take her photo May.:lol:

Aye,She IS quite vain…but if anyone can capture a pic’ of Her…it’ll be Our Nom…photographer extraordinaire :wink:

Already done when i visited Inverness and Culloden, she is just a tiddler really.

Hmmm - Is that plant in the photograph not a Cannabis plant??? If it is, ‘our’ Nom can pick and dry it it and roll a few spliffs !!!

Cannabis plants growing in Culloden?..Well I never…That should de-stress the conspiracy believers :mrgreen:

No - nothing like a cannabis plant UJ … err … not that I would know, of course.

No it looks like this