If money were no object, I’d ‘up sticks’ and relocate to the Seychelles - somewhere nice and warm where my Arthritis and COPD would not be a hindrance.
Uncle Joe, didn’t realize you have COPD and arthritis too! A b****, isn’t it?
DM darlin’ - that’s not all had my lungs badly scarred by Liquid Petroleum Gas as a teenager which brought an abrupt halt to my career in the Merchant Navy and have subsequently had FIVE pulmonary Emboli that have also seriously scarred and damaged my lungs. In fact one lung doesn’t function at all and I am constantly breathless.
How awful! That must really restrict your mobility; are you on oxygen? I’m on Spiriva inhaler and it has helped to the point I don’t need the O2 any more, thank God. And the osteoarthritis is controlled with glucosamine so I can’t really complain. Is yours osteo or rheumatoid?
DM darlin’ - Yeah - Osteo Arthritis, pain being kept to a tolerable level with DF118 tablets (Dihydrocodeine + Paracetamol) and an occasional swig at a nip of Oramorph (liquid morphine). If I have a bad attack of Asthma, sometimes have to whistle up Paramedics who arrive with Oxygen cylinder and Nebulizer - don’t have to have Oxygen on a permanent basis, so far my ‘puffers’ (Ventolin and Beclametazone) are keeping my Asthma at tolerable levels. No point in treating me with Glucosamine, with all the metal I have inside me, far better to spray me with WD40.
Uncle Joe at least you can still laugh at your troubles and make us all smile
I do so admire your spirit, Uncle Joe!
My osteo is confined to my thumb joints, I suspect from a lifetime of typing? Knock wood, haven’t had a flare- up in ages.
UJ, my late husband had Rheumatoid which attacked his lungs. He was a smoker until the last year of his life - when he had oxygen to hand instead! I will never forget DF118 tablets, I had a mild headache, had run out of Paracetamol & foolishly thought I’d just take a 118 instead - boy did I feel ill!! I was a lot younger then but it taught me never to take someone else’s med’s.
I have OA in my hips & knees, I was on Glucosamine but my doc’ stopped prescribing it after it was discredited after tests. On other pain killers now.
Take care all.
NG darlin’ get your joints replaced, I can recommend an excellent surgeon and a magnificent (NHS) hospital for you down this neck of the woods.
Thanks hun but I’m trying to put off the evil day for as long as possible. I take Amitriptyline at night + Paracetamol. I also have a memory foam mattress so I get a good nights sleep. Thank goodness for the NHS huh? I don’t know what me & mine would have done without it.
NG darlin’ - I think I can trump your memory foam mattress, have an orthopaedic mattress which is ‘rock’ solid, BUT I have a goose down mattress topper - ever so soft and warm!!!
I swear by the memory foam topper, and the memory foam pillow: have not had an achy back or neck at all since I got them. Greatest thing since sliced bread!
I’ve got the pillow as well Dandysmom, They both took a bit of getting used to but I wouldn’t swap now - sorry UJ.
My neck used to be so stiff in the morning that I couldn’t turn it when crossing the street to check for traffic,I actually had to swivel my body!!
I also have a memory foam mattress and pillow, it certainly eases all the aches and pains…
Looks as if all we need is a comfortable bed & a restful nights sleep…
I often wonder if I won the lottery would you get peace to live within your community if they were aware?
Thats a good point Les, I suppose you’d have to leave your neighbourhood if you were to have any peace, people alway find out these things anyway.
I would absolutely hate the invasion of my privacy; just as well that I’ve never won the lottery!
NG darlin’ some of the most comfortable night’s sleep I had (many many years ago) was in a hammock - not one of those garden ones - a proper canvas hammock with a paliase inside - could rock yourself to sleep - fabulous - and your own weight brought the sides in and over you and as the saying goes: “I was as snug as a bug in a rug”.