Low humidity in your home. With medium to high humidity, the static will track away naturally.

Get one of these, Rhian: Best Sellers: The most popular items on Amazon

Apart from the rare static hair days
 do I really need one?
What are the benefits?

Bet you’re beginning to wish you’d never started this topic, Rhian. :grinning:

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Quite Mups!
Do you have a humidifier?!!! :grin:

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No, I dont.
Aint got nylon drawers either. :grin:


Bugger me
 What’s wrong with just having a spray bottle filled with clean water? A quick spritz with one of those will get some moisture into the room, as well as settling any dust in the air.


Said the true Yorkshireman! :slightly_smiling_face::rofl:

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I bet Lucy would know. :icon_wink:

Good for you, Mups. From a clothing point of view, nylon has to be o ne of the nastiest things ever invented!


you can pick up static electricity by just walking on a carpet.

Hold on to the metal of the door surround and put your foot on the floor first Muddy

The static charge will be earthed through your foot and not your hand when you close the door.

But of course - we are raised not to be profligate

And by doing other stuff on the floor.

Typed this before, once had an accident with a Van der graaf generator, was taken to A&E, didn’t take me long to discharge myself. :grinning: :icon_wink:


:rofl: :rofl:

I used to get loads of static shocks when I lived in Rome. During the winter, the atmosphere there is so dry that just getting out of your car and touching the car body was enough to give you a shock :open_mouth: :scream_cat:. To avoid them, I soon learned to hold onto the car door or door frame and then get out of the car.

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When I was working as a radiographer, I used to amuse myself by scuffing my feel along the carpet (if the room had one) and then ‘accidentally’ gently touching someone’s ear.
Of course, I never did it to anyone bigger than me.

When things were quiet and we were at a loose end, I found a small fluorescent tube (removed from a viewing box), charged myself up in the same way and produced a brief ‘light show’.

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