Starting Over at 50+: A Journey I Never Expected to Take

I’m Scott, and I wanted to share a bit about my journey with you. If you’re like me, navigating life after 50 is no small measure. After all the chaos that COVID brought, I found myself in a place I never expected to be: starting over. Life feels different now—it’s not just the pandemic’s aftermath, but the lasting effects on our jobs, our relationships, and our sense of security. The runaway inflation, soaring cost of living, rental prices, mortgage rates, and simply struggling to stay flush, month after month. Can you relate?

I know firsthand how frustrating it is to send out hundreds of resumes and get nothing but a few glimmers of interest that never seem to pan out. After a while, you start wondering: “Is there anything out there for someone like me, with years of experience but no way to prove my worth in this new, fast-paced world?”

And it wasn’t just the job market that got tougher. If you’re like many of us, you’ve probably noticed how relationships changed—family dynamics shifted, friends drifted away, and the mental health challenges crept in, slowly but surely. It’s been a lot to carry, hasn’t it?

We all know that retirement was already a shaky prospect for most Baby Boomers and Gen Xers even before the pandemic. Let’s be honest: many of us weren’t fully prepared. And for the few who were? Well, the pandemic’s aftermath wiped out what little savings we had worked so hard to build. It’s a story too many of us know all too well.

Months turned into years, and the stress of barely scraping by, juggling which bills to pay, and worrying about rent increases was suffocating. It’s hard to imagine a future when every day feels like survival mode.

But recently, something changed for me. After what felt like endless searching, I finally found an opportunity that didn’t box me into the same 9 to 5 grind, but still pays me for what I’m truly worth. It’s been life-changing. Imagine being able to actually breathe again—no more being battered down by stress, no more wondering how to make ends meet. I’ve been able to start to rebuild, not just financially, but emotionally. That feeling, after four long years, is priceless.

I can’t begin to tell you how good it feels to not just make ends meet but to actually thrive again. Having the flexibility to work from home, to say yes to the family moments that matter, to enjoy a weekend festival because I want to, not because I’m running away from stress… it’s all so new to me, but it’s something I think we all deserve, don’t you?

The best part? I don’t miss the commute, the winter roads, or the daily grind. Sure, learning something new took a bit of effort, but I’ll tell you—having a supportive team that truly helps you transition makes all the difference. They’re still mentoring me, guiding me to grow my skills. That level of support? I never had it in any of my past jobs, but I can tell you, it’s something I didn’t know I needed.

And you know what else is incredible? For the first time in years, I’m not mentally calculating every dollar I spend, worrying about the budget or what bills to pay first. I’m finally putting money back into that retirement fund COVID drained. It’s a small step, but it’s progress.

I can sleep at night without worrying about whether I’ll be able to afford my rent if the price goes up. I can buy gifts for my family without stressing over every dollar. And that freedom from worry? It’s something I never thought I’d feel again.

I’ve been through the storm, and I know so many of you have too. If you’re struggling financially, wondering what’s next, I just want to say that sometimes the solution isn’t the obvious one. Sometimes you have to look outside the box, just like I did. And if you’re willing to do that, there’s a chance things might turn around for you too.

I’m not saying it’s easy—but I’m saying it’s possible. I found a way, and if it could help you, I’d be more than happy to share my path with you. Because, after all, sometimes the best solutions are the ones we never expected to find.

Let’s connect if you’re curious as to what I’m up to these days that has changed the tide for me in recent months. I don’t mind sharing my story if it helps you in some way.

Nice pitch :grinning:

Financially Covid wasn’t so bad, we had SEISS thankfully (and Furlough).

does it come in a box and can you eat it

Next best thing, one of those jobs where ya don’t have to leave the comfort of yer swivel chair :grin:

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will the swivel chair fit in the moho

Got two in there already, not used for business purposes

Well starting a encore career and doing a 180 in swapping to a new industry has been a challenge in many ways. Learning new things somehow doesn’t happen (sink in) like it used to at 25… lol But progress is being made, and I’m blessed in having a very positive and supportive work environment.

I think with anything we take on as something completely new and challenging, there is always some level of reservation, and questioning nature. So far I’ve been able to forge forward and make progress. I can see the improvements in my knowledge, skills, and executing my duties. Enjoying the challenge, however much it makes me grumble from time to time. :slight_smile: