Star Hobson another baby murdered

Dear God, not again. I am so sick of hearing the various authorities, Social Services, MPs and the like, saying “We must learn from this, we must make sure this never happens again”. Seriously? Can someone tell me exactly WHAT these people are learning, and HOW they are ensuring it never happens? Because it sure doesn’t look like their methods are working. It just seems to be one poor, helpless little child after another, suffering and dying at the hands of these brutes.

And these are the ones we hear about. What about the children who are suffering right now, you know, those poor little ones who haven’t quite died yet, but very likely will in the coming weeks or months. Who’s making sure it doesn’t happen to them?


I’ve just been watching the young babysitter describing the last time she was with her, how depressed she seemed, how clingy she was, didn’t want to let her go…,no wonder!!

Seems to me that in future concerned loving relatives, and there are ALWAYS concerned broken hearted loving relatives, who recognised there was a major problem…will be taking the law into their own hands and removing the child themselves.

I bet that poor devastated babysitter wished she’d taken the child home with her.


This poor mite had a father why didn’t he remove her ?
He did ring up social service much good it did .

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The last time a social worker visited the baby was so dazed and brushed she could barely walk .
The SW belived them when they said she ‘fell down the stairs .’
How thick can you be babies don’t ‘fall down stairs’ and be black and blue it’s the biggest story out one used by murderers and abusers since time recorded .
What were they doing to allow a baby to ‘fall down the stairs ‘ ?

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It seems that social services are not able to do the job they are paid to do.
Are they overworked?
Are they restricted by rules from removing the child from the home where too many “accidents” occur?

They haven’t learned much over the last 40 years because I personally knew somebody who was placed in foster care at the age of 14( his parents had been killed in an accident). The foster father ran a European paedophile group who used this boy for their own entertainment till he was 18. It was only when the boy tried to end his life that they got caught, & were given 20 years in prison.
The boy couldn’t tell police as they threatened to kill his brother!
How long does it take to realize that children are no longer precious to everybody & those that can be removed from home can possibly recover from their traumas before death? :rage:


Well said.

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The whole sorry episode makes me want to scream endlessly!! There are countless thousands of family orientated couples who would have taken little Star in and loved her every single moment …cherished her, fed her, cared for her, and loved n loved her endlessly. Even at our advanced age as parents, we would have taken her in. I’m not one who hates, but even though I don’t know that murdering woman, I instinctively hate her with a passion :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Savannah Brockhill, accused of murdering young Star Hobson, has been found guilty and has been jailed for 25yrs. Her mother has been given a sentence of 8yrs for allowing her daughter’s death.

It seems to me that Brockhill took her anger out on the child instead of the mother. I hope they both rot.

So do I, Judd. And I hope the other prisoners sort them out too.
That poor, beautiful little girl.

The mother will be out in four years .
she needs sterilising so can never allow another child to be murdered .


Absolutely, Muddy.
Same as men who commit sex crimes against kids should, too.

It sounds awful to say it but I really believe in this. If they’ve shown they can’t take care of their own child without letting it be murdered or murdering it, then that should be a done deed, no more allowed.

Same with Thomas Hughes and Emma Tustin.

Plus, if they are ever let out, and I don’t think they should be, a condition should be that they are never again to live in a household with children or have any contact with children


One thing that really disturbs me about these cases is that it’s usually step-parents.

What the hell’s going on there? Is it primal jealousy because the child is physical evidence that their partner has had sex with someone else?

And how do these people find each other? Any normal parent would give a potential partner the boot straight away if they were being nasty to their child.

And yet these one’s go along with it. Why?

Are they secretly enjoying it or are they trying to show the new partner they are more important to them than their child?

There are some sick son-of-bitches around

Like attracts like, Maree … .

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Yes, it must do, but it’s creepy, isn’t it?

How do they know the person they are with will let them abuse their child?

Do they test the water first with small things and then if they get away with it and the parent seems to like it, then they build on it from there?

I just can’t see how the situation develops, obviously it does, but it’s so beyond normal I just can’t understand it

It’s always been the way of things .
Charles Dickens even wrote of this phenomenon in David Copperfeild .

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. . . and STILL it haunts our society grrrrr :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Good news, Star’s mum has had her sentence increased from eight years to 12. Bad news, it’s not long enough in my opinion.


Should be put down IMO.

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At the very least she should be sterilised. And yes I agree, 12 years is not enough. She and her partner took away someone’s entire future - Star won’t be coming back in 12 years to resume her life.

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