Springtime in the Southern Hemisphere

So, I was busy on my roadside verge this morning building another rock garden.

I definitely need to buy more succulents! But, here’s my work in progress.

We are just coming out of winter (dry season) but there’s hints of spring everywhere in the garden! Nature is so beautiful! My peas are coming along nicely :slight_smile:

I don’t know the names of the flowers!

The cutest little :beetle:

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My peas

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My succulent rock garden


It’s looking lovely Minx, Spring is the best time of the year!

I only recognise one flower and that is your Camelia. :grinning:


Think one is a ‘Bottle Brush Tree’ :slightly_smiling_face:

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That much I knew :hot_pepper: :slight_smile:

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I should have know :joy::person_fencing:

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Are they the ones no longer there?

The farmers used to plant these as hedges,there are still some remnants around,we have some in our garden,Not as good as this though.


Yep, all gone!
Did you mean this one? There’s more than one plant in the link you shared.
# Chaenomeles Winter Cheer - flowering quince

Thank you

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Oh.Yes the quince.They look just like sticks with flowers on.I’d never seen anything like it in the UK

Much appreciated. I’ll research it or something similar perhaps.


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Nice shots Minx!
I like the Ladybird…:slight_smile:

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Thank you Visitor
