Spiders thread (split thread)

:scream: :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:This thread should be in controversial, timed closedown

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I don’t understand people in the UK being scared of spiders,most of them are friendly. :grinning:

too friendly!

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The only spiders I’m not keen on are house spiders
they hang out in dark and dingy places with the silverfish
 dubious characters.

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These are colourful and easy to see.

We only discovered these in the garden when my BH started doing her macro photos.
They are very harmless (unless you are a male moth.)

I’ve now seen it all



You just have to ask WHY???

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As you are an expert Bruce on spiders what do they taste like and can you use the legs as toothpicks? :rofl:

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“Something for the weekend sir ?”

Lots of these in the garden and the house but they are very cute.

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Here’s a few:

This St Andrews displaced a family of Redbacks living around my front door.

This is a Redback in a flower pot (I think they are called Black Widows in other countries)

This amazing spider is an Orb Weaver, they make the stickiest invisible web stretching across gaps of 3 metres (no idea how) You only know because you walk into the web which sticks like the proverbial - it is back the next morning. The body is about as wide as your thumb, normally they are not so visible until something gets into the web.

Trying to be as small as possible

Here is one looking after its babies

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 but do they creep up the dunny?
I like the Saint Andrews spider for what it’s worth.

You mean the Redback on the toilet seat?

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Packed lunch

I wasn’t sure if that was some kind of a myth. A quick Google tells me otherwise, they lurk under the seats it would seem.

Depends on the dunny I suppose but personally I check roadside public loos for snakes rather than spiders. Brown snakes in particular have a habit of warming themselves on the walls of a loo (there is a gap between the top of the wall and the tin roof to let the heat out)

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was just having a catch up when i could see a spider crawling up my arm , I knocked it off quick , caught it in a glass to put outside , but first looked it up on google to see if it would bite .
Its a Cross Orbweb Spider .garden spider , probably just dropped on me while sitting out there .


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Ha ha love that. :joy::joy::clap::clap:

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