Spell Checker


I use W10 with Chrome, had a massive Windows update yesterday, now no spellchecker.

I’ve looked in my Chrome Extensions, no Spellchecker there, so downloaded one from Chrome Webstore, doesn’t work.


passes d00d a dictionary


Have you tried this one?
Grammar & Spell Check for chrome

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Try this.

Or uninstall Chrome then download and reinstall.

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Thanks. Found it under Settings > Advanced.

(I went to setting > extensions)


and it worked perfectly typing this reply.


Thanks Pixie

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Glod two her it. :smiley::smiley::smiley:

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Dictionary for you as well then? :joy:

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I had to add a spell checker to Firefox because the default spelt colour as color and ardour as ardor

I liked the description of the add in:

Australian English Dictionary

For mad cun#s who don’t speak simplified English. Packed with place names, politician names, celebrity and politician nicknames, slang and swear words. It’s not perfect just yet, but it’s better than what we had before and I’m constantly updating!

Hi Dood :grin: I have W10 ad Chrome, mine is ok.
have you tried going to to Chrome Settings/then ‘languages’/then ‘use enhanced spell check’.

An early version gave me this:
Brothel Dumpsite instead of Borehole Pumpset

Thanks Meg … I got it earlier after @MrFraggle67 posted that link saying: Setting > Advanced > Languages > Basic

I’ve just now switched to Enhanced instead of Basic … see how that goes.

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This means you get to spell the really big words now! Instead of

“Today I took the dog for a walk” you can embellish it with

“I decided to enhance my health by strolling with my canine companion” :joy:

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and all that get bloats my google profile and I’ll see ads for old dog dating sites.

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