Speculating on Crypto currency

Ok, whose been speculating on Crypto currency.
I passed up Bitcoin when it was £2-300 a coin. Now its £25k!!
Institutions are buying into it and a far as I can see it doesn’t have Any governments backing.
What say the panel of experts?

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Bitcoin basically has no value and you can’t do anything with it except sell it to somebody else. IMO

Finest Belgium


Its £26.5k now!!!
Had to order more pop corn. This is like the bloke blowing up a balooning hot water bottle. You know its got to burst sometime and its going to hurt…

I think it’s what used to be called a pyramid scheme xirrpy !
It was declared illegal some time ago ??
I believe it is also called a Ponzi scheme ??


Aren’t they handy for paying sextortion ransom demands? :102:

Krumbz – It reached £27.5k last night.

Wish I could book a seat near the exit door. I anticipate a log jam.

Screw the popcorn this calls for wool and knitting needles.

You can use it to pay for things with .

But you would need an awful lot of change wouldn’t you Muddy??
maybe that’s its main purpose??
as in money laundering?


According to 28 things you didn't know you could buy with bitcoins - CNET

you can buy …

Lap dances in Las Vegas

Brazilian butt lift surgery

Guns from Central Texas Gun Works


I cant see how an alternative currency can work with out official governement support.
There are big institutions driving the price up and the snot nose early adopters are besides them selves in excitement if not hysteria. ( No sour grapes here squire)

Can you imagine when it was launched and only a penny or two per coin.

I think Id be Samba-ing up and down Oxford street with my blow up doll and platform shoes.

Well, whatever ‘floats your boat’, as the saying goes – everyone to their own! :wink: :lol:

Interesting that you mentioned this. The tech-savvy husband of a hairdresser in my salon purchased a bunch of miners years ago and rewrote the software to help find coins faster.

He has been flying frequently to many places for business meetings, including Vegas, Cabo, Germany - you name it. After his wife started wondering why she and their young daughter were never invited, she found he was renting a house in Vegas, bought a limited edition Corvette, was taking photos of him and his buddies at orgies funded by fellow miners, and drinking and to blackout conditions.

He lost a lot more than he has made.

I looked into it but couldn’t work out how you ‘mined’ it.
All I got was a load of harassing cold callers for months after !
My son was paid for some work he did by bit coin.its wasn’t much about half a bit coin . He forgot all about it until I mentioned it to him and now it’s worth about £12k

Agree. In effect, it’s an artificial market.

Yes they’d better get shot of em pretty quick then, before the big crash
comes xirrpy !!
There’s a time to reap and a time to sow!!


Do you remember the milk culture scam in SA a few years back
Minx ??


Tell him to SELL Muddy !!!


£30k !
It doesn’t make sense.
Maybe I have a similar expression of doubt as whenpeeps were urged to accept paper money to replace …tally sticks or silver/gold.

I have to believe its just confidence and self reinforcing hype, unless there is official/state guarantee/ backing.

Im guessing with respected institutions piling in, apart from the fact that they are gambling with investors money, they are counting on getting too big to fail. Holding enough investors to ransom that the state is forced to adopt a position.
Is that possible?

Proponents think it will hit 7 figures eventually.

They crow that its a just transfer of wealth from Boomers that have had it too good at the expense of generation… z

This fekkin world is getting crazier by the week

It’s definitely transfer of wealth of some kind xirrpy !!
