Sourdough Bread

It’s the same with bread made with Spelt flour. It’s more expensive but is better for you.

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I’m feeling a bit left out, all you people who make your own bread, I’ve never made any and wouldn’t know where to start. But then again, I don’t eat a lot of bread because it makes me bloated and John doesn’t either with him being diabetic have to keep his carbs down.

As an slight aside, I use Spelt flour or Buckwheat when I bake my dogs biscuits. :smiley:

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You’re not alone, Queenie, I have never made bread either. :smiley:

You just need strong white flour (more gluten), or wholemeal flour though in practice, it’s better to blend the two. Dried yeast, bit o sugar, pinch of salt, and warm water.

Plenty of elbow grease unless you have a bread maker or a mixer with a dough hook.

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It was sounding interesting and fun until you said … elbow grease.


Make your own sourdough - just water, flour, and a few spare days…

Oh, thanks Judd, my hero … I shall snuggle down with me cuppa and watch that.

You’ll need this next. :slight_smile:

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No we don’t, you are not alone.

My first wife and I tried it once many decades ago it was rubbish, I like wholemeal bread, far better to wander down to the Vietnamese bakery and buy it there freshly baked for a couple of dollars a loaf.

I don’t think I have ever tried sourdough bread I suppose I should buy a loaf before I shuffle off this mortal coil

Making bread is a lot of effort (and washing up) for little reward.

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Not if you use a bread maker. The only drawback is…how long it takes!

I don’t like the taste of sour dough - I’ll stick to Irish Soda bread - quick and easy to make - tastes good - and just one bowl to wash!

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That might be true but how many loaves could you buy for the cost of a breadmaker? 100? 400? depends on how much you pay I guess, whether you have room for another appliance in the kitchen and how much you like bread.

White bread to me looks as if there is something wrong with it because I have been eating wholemeal bread for so long. Wholemeal is, I believe, is quite difficult to make successfully at home (so I have been told, no personal experience)

I used to make bread using my food processor and slow cooker that I enjoyed.
One of the few things ex wife No 2 was good at was making Irish soda bread

I’ve found sourdough bread to be a little underwhelming as far as both taste and texture are concerned.
My son is studying hospitality at college which is really good news on the bread front, he can almost effortlessly knock up batch of delicious breakfast rolls.

Here’s a blast from the past, stottie cake!
A trad Geordie bread, very basic but lovely when used to make a bacon buttie.
A key ingredient is white pepper, it used to grace most kitchen tables way back when, you’d buy it in little cylindrical containers and sprinkle it liberally over all breakfast, lunch and dinner.
The little perforated lid would usually get bunged up!

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@Chilliboot - I love stottie cake - and singing hinnys!

I’m afraid my love affair with Bertinet Sourdough bread(see opening post), is over. Just found it too dry, and taste free. My daughter put us on to this one, Black Sheep Tiger Bloomer. Apparently, the grandkids love it. I got this at Waitrose, but Sainsburys also sell a malted and white version. I just hope “The Woke Police” and PC Correct Mob, don’t come banging on my door because of the name! :slightly_frowning_face: :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:


I adore tiger bread! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I prefer soda bread it’s easy peasy and tasty yum

As long as it is not made with real Tigers!