Sounds That Rocked Your Boat

Ny apologies-I have no idea how to copy/paste a video.
But this…well this is GENUINE angst…he’s HURTING…

Thanks Pug… that did make me giggle :lol:

Great movie.

The best English crooner ever.

J Geils Band. Centrefold. Great.

Billy Oceon. Caribbean Queen. Fab.

I know this isn’t a sound per-se…but it IS the originator of a fair few.
I just happened to be tipping in the metals-for-recycling berth in Tilbury,right opposite the long-term berth of ‘Ross Revenge’,which is the 3rd incarnation of Radio Caroline,when she came out of permanent docking. The licence has finally been granted for her to do some limited broadcasting,starting next year. It was a great moment,happening to be there as she was brought out of her berth,as she’d been there for simply ages and we all presumed she was for dismantling. Anyway,she’s now anchored in the bay right beside Casa Pug-THAT came as a surprise! Hope you enjoy the emotive video.
{apologies for the ugly bloke at the end-I blame the hat. NOT a sexy look}
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