Sometimes I lose myself on social media sites

My plan was to make Pumpkin Scones.
Pumpkin in the pot simmering away, I am lying on the bed on social media sites, forgot about the pot simmering away.
Half an hour later, remembering the pumpkin, I go to the kitchen, water all boiled away and pumpkin has started to burn.
Not the flavour I want for my Pumpkin Scones…
Luckily I have more pumpkin.
I will make them in the morning now.


You need more Bumpkin in your life, they don’t do Social Media and dish up perfect Pumpkins.

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No I do not need a Country Bumpkin.
I will make my own Pumpkin Scones thank you. :slightly_smiling_face:

You need a Bumpkins Psyche :grin:

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Then the Pumpkins will look after themselves :icon_wink:

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It’s easy to waste time on forums like this with such informative posts about thick lengths of wood,Donald Trump,etc…

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I call it meditating,i too get lost on certain sites.
This is the best one by a mile.


If you are using a phone or tablet just set the alarm, that’s what I do when I need to remember something.

These phones have choice of an alarm clock for a set time or a timer say for 10 minutes. Works for me

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Were you looking for a cute little pumpkin while burning your pumpkin, pumpkin?

I’m spreadeagled on life’s sun lounger in the the garden of O50C too nonchalant to care.


Its never been Social Media that I loose myself its usually one of my many hobbies…Was running the cold water into the Bath… Now I know the overflow pipe works it’s little socks off…

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Those days are long gone…
Only into mash(pumpkin) these days…

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Alexa looks after all the alarms, timers and reminders for me. Much cheaper than a partner, and Alexa doesn’t care when I ignore her the rest of the day. :joy:

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Lets hope Alexa doesn’t shaft you, that could be painful :grin: