Some observations by Bretrick today

Driving home from work on the freeway - speed limit 80kph, a lady driving an older model Volvo had both hands playing with her long hair. She was teasing it out and upwards, both hands at the same time, 80kph.
This went on for at least 3 km while I was behind her. No hands on the steering wheel, occasionally veering slightly to the right.

I reverse park my car into my car bay and can not open the rear door because the car (a large 4wd) in the other bay is too close. She is in the car readying herself to leave. I stand at the back of my car waiting for her to go. She winds down the passenger window and enquires, “Are you okay”?
“I am waiting for you to move so I can open my rear door”
“You have parked too close” she replies.
“No, you are a foot over the line”
She gets out of her car and has a look.
She looks at me, says nothing and gets back in her car.
It is another 30 seconds before she drives off.

One of the people I work with is starting to lose the plot. He often calls everyone else lazy. He comes to work in a sombre mood and this only deteriorates as the day progresses.
He never helps out, just does his own thing, making as much noise as possible.
We all agree that his demeaner is not conducive to a vibrant workplace.
Yes, he has problems on the home front but does not want to talk about it.
I am wondering how much longer he will last.

Sitting here at home I hear Mr Whippy van slowly passing by.

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Interesting Bretrick, that could be a page from the book of my life also

Well it was when I was working, we had such a chap who was never satisfied with his lot and constantly tried to drum up support from anyone passing his machine with a long monologue, escape was impossible, it got so bad people would find another way to pass without contact, and jokes were soon circulating about being pulled into the webb of despair

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He certainly puts a dampener on the workplace. Most of us just avoid him.
Which is sad but what can we do if he makes no effort to change his attitude?
We are not councilors so asking “Are you okay” won’t work if he will not engage.

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Are Men more observant than Women ,? at my last address Police were going round door to door asking if any one had seen anything connected to their enquiries , out of all the people who answered it was a Man that had notice something 

Meanwhile from my own observations ,Im curious to know why new Tenants that moved in about 3 months ago across the way to me have had in total 6 police cars arrive at their house ,4 together on one occasion , Not taking anyone away.
The behaviour of the Male is most odd.


I have had a very similar experience. A lady of the female gender in front of me was stretching up to look in her driving mirror while putting on her lipstick. Unbe bloomin’ lievable!


Maybe the police are looking for someone and that person is never there.
We had tenants where I am who were visited by the police regularly, every 4 - 5 months. The police were looking for someone but he seemed to have knowledge of the impending police visit.
I watched one of these encounters, 3 police cars inside the carpark, one unmarked car out on the street. Police left after 25 minutes.
The one they were looking for rocked up 15 minutes later and was gone again inside 10 minutes.

I don’t think so Eliza, someone comes to the door, Mrs Fox can describe everything they were wearing and how neat their hair was
I only remember the face or legs if she was pretty, blokes are just invisible to me

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We had a colleague behaving in a similar way, years ago, she was having marital problems, and her behaviour was ‘inconsistent’ in many ways.

One day our manager had a heart to heart with her and talked her in to having some marriage guidance counselling, which worked very well for her.

A good manager or supervisor i think should step in if things get too bad.

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My big observation is that Australian ice cream vans always play Greensleves.Who ever thought that a traditional English folk song would encourage people to eat ice cream ?


Well we do have some beautiful music :wink:
However i’m not sure Greensleeves is meant to encourage ice cream eating, but more likely to do with attracting customers with very loud music capable of perforating an eardrum.


Our supervisor has spoken with him before. It might be time for him to step in again.
The worker is his own worse enemy. He does not do what needs to be done in the order it needs to be done.
The supervisor advised him that his forklift ticket was about to expire.
The worker let it expire so can no longer use the forklift. Silly stuff like this. As if his way is the best way even though it is all wrong.

The founder of the company, an Englishman of Italian heritage named Dominic Facchino was passionate about the history of Henry VIII and so chose “Greensleeves” as the song to herald the arrival of the ice cream trucks.


What we think we “know” about other people is very likely to be way off the mark and heavily skewed by our own preferences. Not understanding each other is normal and disagreeing on many topics is not bad at all but totally natural because we have our very own unique life experiences.

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I can see the situation with my colleague was very different to your own.
Our situation involved a female colleague and our manager was also female, who had herself in the past experienced marital problems, so her approach was as a friend, rather than a manager.
The end result was positive anyway. :slightly_smiling_face:

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