Solihull frozen lake incident

Three boys aged 11,10, and eight, have died after being pulled from icy lake…absolute tragedy, the dangers of playing on these icy lakes.

How awful. Poor parents. Why do so many of these tragedies seem to always happen close to Christmas, like the one in Jersey too.

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There have been two in Jersey this week EZ, didn’t a fishing boat collide with a ferry?

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Absolutely awful. Poor little boys and poor families.

My adult son was here when the news was breaking and he says when he was at school they were taught about useful stuff like Stranger Danger, Green Cross Code, Country Code, Street safety, Proficiency Cycling badges, being safe around fireworks etc. advice that is so important as kids are growing up. Now schools seem more concerned about teaching kids whether they identify as boys or girls and whether boys can wear skirts.


That’s right. Another example of a pre Christmas disaster. Stay safe people!

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I have to take an item to a home by Babs Mill this week, I’ll put it off till later in the week.

I’m sure they must warn of the dangers of playing on icy lake / pond at school ,as I’m sure the parents do warn their children.

Unfortunately at that age some just don’t understand or listen,…my brother was one, this is gong back 60 yrs, he was playing on our local pond, that had iced up, it broke and his friend had or did pull him out, it could have been so very different…my heart goes out to those children and their parents at such a very sad time…absolutely heartbreaking.

Poor little men. Such sadness and tragedy for the families. Heartfelt condolences to all.

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Awful, terrible thing to happen , those poor little ones and the families with broken hearts, my own heart is aching for them

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The last lad has died, such tragedy.

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There have been a number of incidents over the years where children have survived periods of submersion in icy water , I hope these children might have done so too…

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