Mind own experiences is the increasing purchases of quick eat meals that come in carboard boxes and all the liquids in plastic bottles - and in many cases the boxes are not squashed up and folded smaller but just tossed in as is. I see this on a daily basis now from our kitchen to the bin!
Gumbud, I catch the bus from a town back to where I live, the bus shelter is covered in litter, I have cleaned it up many times, …why don’t the council put bins near the bus shelter?
The nearest bin from the shelter here is about 500 if not more yards away…there is also a pond at the back of the shelter ,its full of rubbish, I will take photos next time I visit, I met a guy named Vincent who helps keep the pond clear, he told me he just does it voluntarily…
@pauline3 _ I was shocked when I went into town last week - first time for ages. It was always such a clean place and people seemed to take a pride in keeping it that way. Now no-one seems to care. The Market Square was littered with discarded face masks, sweetie wrappers, even bits of food and take-a -way boxes.
I was brought up to take my rubbish/litter home if there were no bins available.
I think you may have a point there, …I just can’t believe how some people can sit in the shelter with all this rubbish under their feet, I can’t bear it, I now take rubber gloves and a bin bag each time I visit, some I feel look at me thinking I’m crazy for picking it up.
Same as some gardens in the area, they are full of their own rubbish…why don’t they get a skip and clear it all?..some of their rubbish has been there for years…old cars you name it ,etc,etc.
I have reported it to the Council - more than once, after all don’t we pay taxes to have this sort of thing addressed? They said they were short of staff and would 'deal with it ’ when they could. I am not holding my breath!
@pauline3 time to set up a voluntary group . during lockdown people in my surrounding area , mostly villages , set up groups and went out litter picking not just in the villages but going round the surrounding roads leading in … they made a big difference to how the area looked .
Also if you contact your local council about the Bus shelter lack of litter bin im sure they would put a bin at the side .
I’m going to report as well, we have an alley way here, it’s full of pine cones, bits of rotted fencing, it’s dangerous to walk down…it never used to be this bad…
Yes, my neighbour helped as a volunteer cleaning up our disgusting pond in the enclosure I live right next door to…full of rubbish it was, those poor wildlife, so many cans here thrown onto the kerbside.
I will contact the council, this place is looking terrible, it’s all that health and safety though…anyway I will enquire see what I can do…I need one of those long pick up things that they use…I can’t keep bending down, hurts my back…
Because people are such dirty beggars also litter boxes seem to have become too small the same for dog poo bins . People are out and about more so use the bins and new ones are only about=the size of a kitchen bin .
Our bins are quite satisfactory here, I think we could do with a few more, there are also notices on the bins not to put household rubbish in them, still some members of the public take no notice…
They will do it their way blow everyone else, quite a lot of selfish people out there, only thinking of themselves.
Councils don’t empty rubbish bins as often as needed and a certain type of person will always drop litter. In view of these facts, maybe all those capable of picking up rubbish should do it. There are organised litter-picking groups in most areas.
Mostly being discussed on forums are aspects of life that we can’t do much about. It’s rare to be able to actually do something about a grumble but this is something where we could.
Of course it’s not our job but the situation is as it is. I already keep secateurs in my saddlebag and cut brambles back from footpaths (something else the council ought to be doing). I’m seriously thinking about adding litter-picking to my pastime list.
I’ve always said England is a dirty place and some of the people lazy and dirty . Have you noticed how clean some countries are in Europe . I spent some time in Spain and it was a clean place with people sweeping the streets , no dirt or rubbish. I went to Pula in Croatia it was spotless . While in Spain I visited Gibralter , it was dirty, I was surprised but it really was .
Brits are dirty people. Like you all I take my rubbish home .
Next door house to me have old furniture and a 3seater sofa on its side in the garden been there for a year .
Maybe it depends where you go here. Our nearest city is Guildford (about 10 miles away). It’s a nice historic place to visit and it always looks clean. On the other hand, there are places no more than a few miles away where litter is left laying around. The contrast in cleanliness between towns/cities not too far apart is noticeable.
Spain is only clean in some places usually the tourist spots where people who are on benefits do a lot of cleaning . This helps when they apply for a job.
However in other places ie stops on major roads they are filthy with rubbish and worse.
Lots of countries are filthy and people have filthy habits ie stubbing cigarettes out on walls or floors indoors !
Believe me the U.K. is spotless in comparison .
There are always clean and filthy parts in all big towns and cities .
It’s not only the casual passer by that drops rubbish in our neighbourhood. An elderly gentleman not in the best of health a few doors from me recently had the social services round to clean his flat. They saw fit to dump an old mattress and several bags of rubbish onto his small front garden. At this moment in time that’s where it remains gradually being eaten by overgrown grass and weeds.