Stella darlin’ - if you do get one - let me know - I can give you a few recipes to try out.
OK UJ - thank you, that’s very kind.
You’re very welcome Stella darlin’
[quote=“Stella H, post: 438783”]
Still undecided. I have a feeling I wont get one, especially as most meals need to be kept cooking for up to 8 hours - yes, I know they are slow but that is very slow. It makes it awkward for mealtimes and I don’t like leaving it on overnight.[/QUOTE]
I think I’d feel a bit uneasy about that too Stella.
ever left a 60watt light bulb on all night? - very dangerous!
Yes actually I have and no it isn’t dangerous. Have also left my slow cooker on all night too and again it isn’t dangerous to do so.
They are safe to leave on, that is their design. You’ve reminded me, I have some pork to make a casserole with so better get on to it!
Have you got the cider to go with it too Jan darlin’ ???
Yes, UJ, and it was blimming fabulous! Left it on all day today while I went out sightseeing. Got home about 5, and turned it off. the rest is now cooling for putting in the fridge.
I bet your kitchen smelled wonderful Jan darlin’
UJ, I could smell it in the communal hallway, as soon as I got into the building! Hope my neighbours were envious.
Now there’s a thought Jan darlin’ - continually cooking food which smells powerfully might persuade your recalcitrant neighbours to ‘move on’.
I love my slow cooker or crock pot. Whilst my kitchen was out of action I cooked a shoulder of lamb in it for almost 12 hours… OMG it fell off the bone and tasted divine. Got a massive thumbs up from him indoors too
Also good for risotto too
Mmmmm, sounds delicious!
Tuppy darlin’ - as a ‘newcomer’ you won’t be aware of this, but I have a very good butcher near me who can get ‘safari’ meat (Bison, Camel, Eland, Kangaroo, Kudu, Ostrich, Water buffalo, & Zebra). All these meats make truly delightful casseroles in my slow cooker.
Agreed they were designed to be left on all day while people were at work, so have to be safe. Never heard of a fire due to a slow cooker ever. Unless they boil dry in which case that’s user error.
Yep…the slow cooker is a godsend…you can chuck anything into it…and it comes out tasting nice…
Not too keen on pressure cookers though…I find everything comes out tasting the same!
We use ours quite a lot lilac - it is indeed a godsend and there is a certain feeling that what you cook is all contained in that pot, (no waste) and that’s quite gratifying.
We’ve cooked things in the left-over gravy and found the results really incredible.
We also eat salad from April 'til - hopefully - October and it’s the same feeling - all the goodness is there and a lot of it is home-grown! stevmk2
I love salad.must have a decent dressing on it though…
mustard…wine vinegar and olive oil…
Ooooooooh! All the ingredients I love lilac!!! stevmk2