Silent indicators

the dashboard gives information, maybe you need to look at it more often, like every 10 seconds maybe like the driving manual suggests

Yes Max, but to an OAP 10 seconds can feel like a lifetime.

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I will try to remember your advice macywack.
Since my car smash last December I’m a bit afraid to take my eyes off the road.

I only look at the dashboard to check my speed but certainly not every 10 seconds!

So, was there a solution or workaround … :question:

I don’t know - I’ve stopped bothering about it.

I’ll ask my son in law when I see him. He’s very handy. he might be able to help me…

What one needs to do is remove the casing around the steering column. Then you have access to the trigger lever which needs adjusting. At least that was what we did on older cars. Having the front of the car on axel stands let’s one turn the wheels to get the right adjustment