Silent indicators

I wouldn’t want to do that realspeed. It’s something that I should have spotted on my test drive & it’s not a fault that has developed.

Thanks Omah - I’ll head over to the Toyota owners forum.

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Carol, you could try a local auto electrician to see if they can fit an audible device, has your car got a full Toyota service history?, if so as long as you have it serviced every year at a Toyota dealer, the warranty gets renewed, for up to ten years or 100,000 miles. You may be able to get the fault with the self cancelling indicators looked at under warranty ,


You could add a buzzer or similar to the indicators so it buzzes when they are activted That would very easy.(but annoying)

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At this age, it is custom and practice not to indicate at all, Toyota may have considered this when designing the Aygo.

I think that is limited to Range Rovers and Audi’s Spitty…

I would think that if they don’t self cancel after use then the switch must be faulty, and if you’ve recently got the car maybe there is some sort of guarantee with it to get these problems fixed?

It’s only sometimes they don’t self cancel & I’ve found this with every car I’ve had.

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How odd… :thinking:

I hope you get it sorted .
A few years ago I had a red Aygo , super little car .

Maybe because they cancel after having the steering wheel on full lock.

That shouldn’t be necessary surely?

My Fiat Panda is the same when indicating left. If it is not a full 90 degree bend it sometimes doesn’t self cancel when I straighten up.

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no it shouldn’t , it all depends if the steering indicator latch on the column is set correctly or hasn’t moved. One would have to remove steering column covers to check, best done on axle stands to turn the steering wheel without straining it

Your self cancel is working fine Carol, they don’t always cancel if the steering wheel doesn’t trip it, as is often the case on some bends. It sometimes self cancels too early on some junctions and roundabouts. On heavy goods vehicles they don’t have a self cancel and you have to get into the habit of turning off the indicator manually, it comes with practice.

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the dashboard gives information, maybe you need to look at it more often, like every 10 seconds maybe like the driving manual suggests

Yes Max, but to an OAP 10 seconds can feel like a lifetime.

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I will try to remember your advice macywack.
Since my car smash last December I’m a bit afraid to take my eyes off the road.

I only look at the dashboard to check my speed but certainly not every 10 seconds!

So, was there a solution or workaround … :question:

I don’t know - I’ve stopped bothering about it.

I’ll ask my son in law when I see him. He’s very handy. he might be able to help me…

What one needs to do is remove the casing around the steering column. Then you have access to the trigger lever which needs adjusting. At least that was what we did on older cars. Having the front of the car on axel stands let’s one turn the wheels to get the right adjustment