Siblings act like real adults

Seems the brothers have found a way to make inroads to a better relationship.

Wish my twin brother had such an insight…
Very wise of them. I wish them the best of luck.

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I wish my sister could try, too, @Dachs.

I only want to show this article as two siblings, no titles or names to comment about, or protocol, either.
It is a good news article, hopefully we will view it as such, and not be critical. :relaxed:


Yawn. Waste of taxpayers money the lot of them.

Who cares ?

I am so laughing at the responses! Just as I suspected, the moaners that don’t have anything to criticize aren’t interested.

So glad I posted some good encouraging news. We could use much more of this on this forum. Doom and gloom doesn’t belong on this thread.:grinning::+1:

But the truth does. The concentrated pure BS from Buck House mix now tedious to say the least. Republic now.

Well, it’s a business to them, they’ll try to give the punters what they want and present a united front if it kills them.

There’s been enough bad publicity with Andrew and Williams’s last tour and getting booed at the footie didn’t help

Are they genuinely fond of each other? Who knows, but probably. And brothers usually do go back to getting along, even if their wives don’t!


William and Harry will get on fine as long as Kate doesn’t make Meghan cry again.

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I very much doubt it.

Encouraging for who ?
I find it strange , not to say sad how Americans members of the great republic fawn on members of the British Monarchy .

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Sorry you find it strange that brothers reach out to each other to mend rifts. I find it encouraging, to see act of good will toward each other, don’t you?

Not really quite frankly couldn’t care less .

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But Muddy! You are our resident Royal correspondent.

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Aw, cheer up, muddy. Come on, where’s that smile we all know and love? I just bet it is waiting to burst out. :rofl:

I think William realizes the affection for the monarchy is only really for the queen.Once she goes it could get a bit tricky for him and he will need all the mates he can get.


The whole British establishment is rotten to the core from the “Royal” family up. Generally Boomers still can’t see how awful the monarchy is though some are seeing through the BS but younger people are realising just how rotten things are. And about time too.

I hope not.

My husband agrees with you 100% THE- ARTFUL -TODGER.
He has said the same since the day we met.