Shower Or Bath

What is your preference?

I prefer a shower, but don’t have one at home, so, I have to bath.

Plus a shower is much more economical than a bath.

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Both !
I shower in the mornings because it wakes me up - but I bathe in the evenings as it is so relaxing.


Just going for my daily dip in the Bath now. :grinning:


I got rid of the bath years ago, just have a walk in shower.


Only have a bath if I’m really cold .


The bath in this house is not long enough to lie in it, so it has to be a shower every time. I do miss my baths, have to say. Loved the one in the flat.


Shower. So much quicker than waiting for the bath to fill :shower:
Not floating in my own dirt either. :joy::innocent:


I haven’t had a bath since I retired, :flushed: before which I had a bath every day to soak my bones after a day on the site. These days though there isn’t a bath in the house, I ripped them out and installed walk-in showers instead, much more refreshing and certainly more convenient and economical. :blush:


Both, although since our shower here is an electric one it gets used more throughout the summer months.

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Shower for getting clean, and baths for chilling out, spa style beauty treatments and relaxing soaks for aching bods

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I would love to be able to have a bath, but sadly I can’t manage it now - I simply no longer have the ‘leverage’ in my knees. The last time I attempted a bath, and that was probably about 3 or 4 years ago, I really struggled to get out, and I’ve been too scared to try again since, so it’s a shower only these days!

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Love the Shower,morning to wake up to and evening to feel refreshed again after a hard day in the chain gang…


I have a bath, but have the option and fittings to get a shower installed. I go through moods of wanting to get a shower, purely because of ease and convenience…but my bathroom is super tiny with no window, (only a fan) so dampness is a concern with condensation. :shower:


We have both facilities here, but I can’t remember when I last used the Bath

For me I Shower once a month whether I need one or not. :wink:


Regular then…at least… :icon_rolleyes:


Shower. No sitting in dirty water soup. :grinning: :grinning:


The last time I had a bath (and the only occasion since the early 70s) was in the UK when I visited and stayed with a cousin in Wiltshire on my last trip there.

It was an horrendous experience because not only do I dislike baths but for some inexplicable reason his bathroom was carpeted. I have never come across this anywhere though my brother tells me it was a fashion in the UK one time.

Both my laundry and bathroom have drains in the floor in case of “spillage” so I found the idea of having a bath in a carpeted room very daunting and was terrified of splashing water out of the bath. I only put in about 150mm of water and dried myself standing in the bath.

Do any of you have a carpeted bathroom - I don’t mean bath mats but a proper fitted carpet?

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No, definitely no carpet! It was a crazy fashion back in the 70s and carpet shops actually sold carpets made specifically for kitchens and bathrooms. I’ve seen bathrooms where the carpet was not only laid on the floor, but extended up onto the bath panel, right up to the rim of the bath :flushed:. Probably one of the maddest fashion trends ever.

You have jogged a vague memory that this was true in this case. I can’t check because my cousin died a year or so later which was rather sad because he was several years younger than me.

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Ugh no! I don’t even have bath mats…I did try, but spent more time washing them than having them on the floor, so chucked them out. Lino all the way.