Should we boycott the World Cup?


This was done by a few countries led by America when the Soviets held the games in 1980 the Russians were the first to try to stop the rise of islamist extremist in Afghanistan after the rising in Iran

The Americans led the boycotte but made the Yanks look stupid.

the Americans banned their athletes from competing and they are supposed to be the land of the free.

And you want the same ban on any football fans going there.

You and UJ should get married:twisted:

Yes i do some are bound to be hurt.
UJ likes Russia we wouldn’t suit.

I could suffer it if we were doing well but that’s not going to happen.

A Match made in heaven.

I was listening to a travel agent being interviewed on the radio last week, he was talking about the number of fans going to Russia. Can’t remember the exact figures now but it was somewhere in the region. At this time before the last World Cup, 94,000 had booked to travel, compared to those going to Russia this year as 22,000.
The figues can’t be just because of the spy business, there must be other fears.

Sam there was an item on TV recently about Russian football hooligans in training , they were like an army . Apparently, they are ready and waiting for our fans.

I can honestly say that I boycott the world cup every year.

I find football the ultimate bore.

I read this…England fans in danger of 'extreme violence' from Russian hooligans at World Cup, warns police chief
So maybe it might be better to put a ban in place, we are not exactly chums at the moment anyway. I suspect the state will ‘support’ the Russian ‘fan gangs’

Totally agree mate. It would be nice to actually go out for a quiet pint without all those open-mouthed gobby morons jumping around like apes at a King Kong convention :026:

Wouldn’t it be good if it could be held elsewhere? Get lots of countries to boycott … then re-arrange it!

That would fix 'em!

I don’t go to my nearest pub for the simple reason that they have football on TV screens in every room. You can’t get away from it.

Now if they’d put on cricket, that’s another matter.

Of course, this is Lancashire. LCCC? Who are they?

At least it’s quieter with a cricket match.

I’m happy with a rugby league game. At least it’s civilised.

Very true.

A mate of ours used to play rugby (though rugby union, despite being a Yorkie) in his younger day. He’s as far removed from a football fan as you could ever get: quiet, polite and intelligent.

That’s right mate. All hard working lads, and they have respect for each other too.
And they get about 1/100th of the wages a footballer gets. Not right is it?

Not fair at all.
The only reason they get so much money for prancing around on a field and becoming adept at falling down pretending to be injured is that there are so many similarly idiotic supporters who are happy to waste their money on attending these futile performances.

At one time footballers were decent men, until money became the total focus of their game! Please don’t change rugby into a game that is more interested in money than pride.:009:

Err that would be every 4 years. :slight_smile:

Peter Pedant. :slight_smile:

Gan an boil ya heeds ya pair of puddings.:slight_smile:


We should send our Team.

A bit of National Humiliation is good for the soul.

You see. I hadn’t even noticed.