PETA and Ecopel have created fake fur bearskin helmets and offered them free to the MOD until 2030 in a move to stop the Queen’s guard wearing real fur bearskins.
The MOD refused because they say the bearskins are a British tradition and the fur comes from Canadian bears that are being culled anyway, it’s not fur farming.
I don’t know really. I like tradition, I’m not a vegetarian, and if the bears are being killed anyway?
On the other hand, there is something repulsive about wearing fur, it costs a lot and if there is a good cheaper substitute, shouldn’t we use it?
What do you think?
(I think they might have got the video title wrong and it should be Queens Guard, not Beefeaters)
I can’t see this as a problem, if they look and feel the same why not, I can’t open the link, but I am sure there is a Tradition as to why Bearskins were/are used…But today is it that important in a changing world.
I am all for traditions, but in this case would anyone really know if the imitation fur were unknowingly substituted.
Like museums why not hang copies of works of art, who would know if no one was to tell
That’s just it, they don’t feel the same apparently.
Real fur doesn’t make you sweat like fake fur does, so the soldiers aren’t half blindeed by sweat dripping down into their eyes.
This argument is nothing new, decades old.
Plastic which is partly acrylic polymers. There is no way to get around to banning plastic. We would have to wear animal skins again, plastic is in a lot of things.
Ecopel who have offered to donate the fake fur bearskins, make their fur from recycled bottles, so it’s very Green
If the bears ever became endangered or the cull wasn’t needed, then using fake fur would be a good alternative, I don’t think bears should be bred and farmed for their fur.
But if the bears really are going to be culled anyway, I can’t see the point in wasting the fur
They are ridiculous really, aren’t they? Stupid hat, I wonder who thought that one up? But they are rather fine
I think I’m fond of them because they remind me of going to see the changing of the guard and trying to make them laugh outside Buckingham Palace when I was a kid
I think they were originally intended to intimidate because they made the soldier look taller, they were provided to foot soldiers who would be involved in hand to hand combat.
How much has military attire/uniform changed over the years, what was the headwear for No2 dress for Paratroopers before they earned the right to wear the beret.
And soon as you had your beret you be boiling it, in and out of water in between moulding it to head.
I sure there were other Traditional items worn by our Military services that has been replaced for one reason or another
When was the last time a Busby was worn in Battle.?