Should I do it?

I understand Carol and this bloke have got history and bad feeling, and anger are like cancer, unchecked they will just take over your (and their) life, it just gets worse until somebody is big enough to make the first move for peace.
Most of the worlds problems have rarely ended with violence, they are mostly ended by sitting round a table and talking.

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[QUOTE=The Artful Todger;2021902 — what does it cost you if he does?[/QUOTE]

It could have cost her a load of Caltrops,:lol::lol:

That makes sense, thank you OGF.

Like the ‘Beatles’ once sang…“And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make”…

Give out love, and you will get love back pauline…
Give out anger and hate, and you will get anger and hate back…

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Again, you have explained yourself better,…imo…thank you.

If one gives out love, that does not necessarily mean, you will reap it back.:slight_smile:

I also believe that love should be given freely…without conditions.

If love isn’t given freely…it’s not worth having.

I would put up a strong cattle-style gate across the drive. It’s not as aggressive as a bollard, makes the property more secure and is easier to open and close without having the hassle of a key.

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Or a heavy-duty chain of some sort suspended between the gateposts?

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I think that would be more difficult to open and close.

A gate is difficult to for a thug like this to challenge because there are plenty of reasons people put them up. Plus it probably adds to the value of the house.

A bollard on the other hand may lead to a great deal of anger if someone doesn’t realise it’s there. Could even lead to a legal challenge if it’s not visible enough.

I do agree with Todger here, Carol.

Going up to him like that was inviting trouble - sorry.

BTW, the chap across the road from me had his pick-up truck nicked off his drive a while back, so he put one of the fold-down posts in too.

You’ve just got to remember it’s there if you go out after dark! :slight_smile:

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That happened to my son…he forgot it was there one morning,banged straight into it, cost £2,000 to repair his car…he’s never hit it again since…:shock::shock:

Be warned,Carol…very easy to forget its there.:wink:

I don’t just get in the car & drive away. I have to open the up & over door first. I don’t think I could forget the bollard was there as it would be staring me in the face.

I don’t want anybody to get the idea that me & bully boy have a hate thing going or that it’s making my life miserable.

We just ignore each other - full stop.

I don’t give him a seconds thought unless I see him smoking on the doorstep & then I briefly think what a pathetic idiot he looks. (See description in 1st post.)

I would think it through…what is his reaction likely to be if you did it ? Think about that seriously …I know he is infuriating but right now he is just an irritation something you put out of your mind for the most part…if you decide to go ahead just think through how he will react and is it worth it. You know him better than us so its up to you to judge it.

Personally I would just ignore the whole situation and do nothing.

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Yes, Meditation may be useful.:wink:

I’d be more worried about affecting other people such as delivery drivers etc who do not realise it’s there until too late. Or friends and nicer neighbours. Hope the drive is well lit at night.

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Carol, Just out of interest. How many times a day would you say, that he reverses into your drive?

This is the one I had installed, Carol, as you can see, it’s been hit a few times, it stays up all of the time.

It’s extremely heavy, when I first let it down, it nearly took my arm off, lowering it into the ground…luckily it stays up…

As the actress said to the Bishop…:047:

That’s a really good one Pauline. Obviously one like that would not be right for my situation.

I took a few photos this morning when I nipped out in the car.
Will post them later. Pictures might explain it better.

I have no interest in caltrops or mediation ( or meditation spitty) was that a typo? :smiley:

I did have mediation, Carol…but unfortunately, it failed, because this guy, who rented the property, got it into his head, that I didn’t own my car space,he believed it belonged to the council, even after him receiving solicitor letter,…that the car park was privately owned…so I know exactly how you feel…you can’t keep flogging a dead horse…some want it their way,or it’s the highway…they haven’t learnt to compromise or communicate properly…then makes it very difficult for those who do want to try…it’s like a mind block.

You can’t install a bollard on council property…only they can do that.

There are quite a few bollards on this estate, Carol…I also noticed one, that has put one at the end of his outside parking space, right outside his door, I also reckon he got fed up with people reversing up his tiny outside drive,( and I mean tiny) …not sure though…

There is another who has got 3 bollards up, outside the flats, I did notice that one has been damaged…they are cheap ones though.