No! There are pictures. Carol had a bollard installed so her neighbour can no longer turn at the end of her driveway. I saw the picture and read the entire thread.
Our drive is a bit over 250 feet. We have no neighbours so don’t have this problem. Our last driveway was about 120. Occassionally our neighbours used it but we got along great. In fact, we didn’t mind anyone using it to turn around.
I’m so glad we don’t have to deal with neighbour animosity. I hope your bollard did everything you’d hoped it would.
I’m surprised to see this thread appearing after 6 months!!
Yes I had the bollard. Soon after it was installed I went out & forgot to put it in it’s hole. When I got back the hole had been filled with soil & I had to get down on all fours & scoop it out with my hand.
Nothing has happened since then except they don’t speak to me, but as they are not & never were, my kind of people I’m not bothered whether they speak or not.