Carol, Are you happier now that the bollard has been installed?
If you say, Yes. Then that’s all that matters if it’s given you peace of mind and some respite from your unfortunate neighbour.
If you’re not happier, then l am not sure what the answer is?
I wouldn’t say happy was the word but satisfied - yes.
My bullying neighbour can no longer reverse his car on my driveway. It reduces the risk of my garage door getting bumped and saves wear & tear on the tarmac.
I’m not thinking much about it now. It’s done & that’s it.
Nothing else has happened to bother me - I saw him having a smoke on the doorstep last week but he ignored me as I did him.
I can live with that.
My drive is on a little slope. If I had gates I don’t know where they would open.
They can’t go upwards towards the garage because of the slope and if they opened outwards they would be obstructing the lane & I’m sure bully boy would object to that.
Thanks for your suggestion anyway - it’s true a gate would have been less contentious but not possible in this situation.
Looking at the slight slope, I would have gone for gates, the gates being set about 6" above ground level, complimented by rising hinges.
Sounds good spitty. Bet it would have cost a lot more than my bollard though - also let’s face it - bully boy would still know the gates were there to keep him out…
He ain’t daft you know!!
The implications can be a bit farer reaching, to others a Bollard means there is a specific problem, gates are just an accepted method of recognising the boundary of a persons property. Anyone viewing a property with a view to purchasing would be wary of indicators of a potential problem like bollards or worse, barbed wire on top of fences etc.
Yes I understand that & totally agree with what you’re saying.
However if we should want to sell at anytime the bollard can easily be removed & the hole filled back up with concrete. I don’t see a problem there.
As I said before - any blocking of my driveway - either by bollard, chain or gates is going to bother bully boy. He likes to have the upper hand. If he filled my bollard hole with soil I dread to think what he would do to gates!!
Just out of curiosity spitty - how much would gates such as the ones you suggested cost?
A best guess @ about 3ft tall £250.00
Oh I wouldn’t have minded paying that. It would certainly have looked better than a bollard.
I would really have considered it if I had seen this suggestion before I had the bollard.
It’s done now though - I just hope they’ll accept turning round in my sons opening next to my drive & leave me alone.
When your stuck in a situation, its hard to see all the options.
Carol - It could be a good idea to print a copy of this thread which may go some way to prove the difficulties you’ve had and the steps you’ve considered and taken. If you ever have further problems with your bully neighbour, you could consider reporting him to the police with the intention of getting a civil injunction order against him. I’d hate to live close to an anti-social neighbour - once a bully always a bully…and they don’t like to loose!
I have already opened a log with the police. The council & my MP know about it all - including the bullying.
Thanks Lindyloo. Your suggestion is appreciated…
You can get gate hinges that cope with virtually any slope. They are easy to make too. The bottom hinge is offset from the post so as you open the gate the gate centre travels upwards over the slope. The amount of offset depends on the slope.
Be careful what you record with regards to you and your neighbour carol. If you ever want to sell your house any disputes between neighbours have to be declared these days as part of the selling process and could influence the decision of a prospective buyer to proceed with the purchase or withdraw.
My son & his family would like to live in this house when we’re gone & I want them to live here.
Trouble is he’d have to buy his 2 sisters out…
the suspense is killing me bollard or no bollard?
I would like to get a bollard to keep my obnoxious neighbour from parking on my drive while I am away but this isn’t going to happen . The prat just does as he pleases .
have you ever tried “prat spikes”??