Share your music anthems

Whatever Plankton said - but Iā€™m curious now so Iā€™m going to have to check them out

Iā€™ll add it to my list of look upā€™s, Iā€™ve got so much to listen to that it should keep me busy for some time - thanks Plankton :slight_smile:

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Salute! Thanks Roj

This is on my playlist- I love it!

Incredible guitar skills !

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In fairness to these incredible bands, Iā€™m skimming over them so I can comment - so itā€™s time to start from the top and give them all the dedication they deserve:-)

Actually, I gave this band a listen to earlier today. I really liked them and the added bonus is, I understand the lyrics to a certain extent :smiley:

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Seeing Rush live would have been on my bucket list but unfortunately not now.:frowning:

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This song also belongs in the air guitar thread. Donā€™t you think?

Plus some of there videos are so funny :slight_smile:
Some a bit weird too.

You are most welcome.

An all time favourite Roj - thanks

Yep Iā€™ll add it.

Iā€™m going to also check out Puya Fundamental. Excellent band

Have tickets to see them in Cardiff next year. Should have been last year, then this year, fingers crossed for next year. Hopefully get to see them before I croak :smiley:

Yes, I noticed that but itā€™s probably a European thing :104: