Share your music anthems

Thank you - nice tune & interesting name for a band :069:

Hereā€™s another fun one:

Aaalrighty then. :slight_smile:

I havenā€™t heard that one before - thanks Chillie

Your welcome :slight_smile:

My word - is that shades of Grease I hear :shock:
Interesting version

I could probably put this one on infinite repeat without being annoyed much:

Love it! Added to my playlist:-)

Yeah Chillie6, I havenā€™t heard either of those. The Grease version, yes, but not that cover. Bikini tops, dudes in eye liner, flying Veeā€™s. Whats not to love?!

That whole album is solid. I saw them at Ozzfest 99 then they kinda disappeared.

Yes it is shades of grease. They do metal covers of Bee Gees songs and other disco type songs. They are hilarious live :slight_smile:

One of my favourite girl bands Plankton- canā€™t go wrong with :049:

Interesting. Iā€™ll check them out on You.Tube thanks:-)

And we do ā€¦

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Lets go!

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