Real people who can relate to the struggles and hardships that this country is going through, should go for office, in my opinion.
Fair enough. Although, sadly, it seems all too often the case that when such people get “there”, then the ailment of powerosis (a term my father devised) seems to become embedded and they totally forget their grass roots.
Of course politicians should be recompensed for reasonable expenses.
The public and official rooms of Downing Street are paid for by government.
This is for the private apartment and is an Annual payment, it Is not a one off
The Cameron’s spent peanuts and May only got a John Lewis sofa and table lamp.
On leaving Boris will also be entitled to an Annual Public Duty payment of up to £115,000 a year, the amount depending on whether he takes another ministerial job to cover his costs of having been prime minister.
I recall an interview in which Arnie Schwarzenegger said he never drew a salary when he was governor of California because he was obviously wealthy enough.
On the £30k pa allowance, I wonder what dubious things are put on the maintenance/furniture expenses list. My wife likes to buy some coloured loo rolls at around £11 for a pack of 6 which match our bathroom’s colour and which we bring out for when we have guests, but use normal ones the rest of the time. Its this sort of expensive luxury that i suspect gets put on the expenses list, even though they’re not that price.
Wait, you use loo rolls and not old newspapers cut into squares like me?
the Times I assume?
Doesn’t seem to work so well with online newspapers.
So really, 10 Downing St is just a serviced apartment and tied accommodation to the job of PM, isn’t it?
So why on earth does an incoming PM get to redecorate? As long as it’s clean, tidy and comfortable, they should live in like it is, like anyone in rented accommodation
And the upkeep and when or if it needs redecorating a matter for the building maintenance, to keep the deco neutral, not let every PM inflict their own dubious taste
After all, every PM gets the massive privilege of having Chequers at their disposal, what more do they want?
Agree. Set it up like a Travelodge or Premier Inn with a little kitchen attached, or a microwave in the wardrobe area.
And why not, there’s plenty living with less!
But it’s not furnished travel lodge, it’s luxury, just not the PMs own property. Temporary accommodation
Saying they were too good for John Lewis got right up my nose, too
A lot of people can only aspire to John Lewis
But I did like John Lewis’ retaliation!
Taking a couple of pricey holidays and a big wedding bash isn’t exactly showing a lot of empathy either for people terrified of their fuel bills, is it?
What they should do with all mp,s of all parties is this
The taxpayers should buy/build blocks of flats and kit them out with all the basics fridge 32in tv ect, so each apartment is the same , clean and comfortable, then if the particular mp wants to upgrade to more luxurious living, then it should be done at their expense not the taxpayer, then there would be no need for mp,s to claim for second homes just maybe travel expense or such, the moneys saved would more than pay for any security requirements, same with any ministerial office, anything used for official business would be at the taxpayers expense, any upgrade , be it fancy wallpaper of gold plated taps would again come out of the minister’s pocket
Wouldn’t it be cheaper in the long-run to get a new white bathroom suite?
The suite is white, but the towels aren’t
I feel your pain.
Yeah me too.
Carrie should have got those artists from the council flats in to do up the place .
It seems to be their style .