“In any discussion of influenza epidemiology we should acknowledge the careful and steady (one could even say fearless) work of Danuta Skowronski and her Canadian public health colleagues. It was they who found that the 2008-9 flu shot doubled the risk of illness from the 2009 H1N1 pandemic flu. Their observations were considered important enough to alter Canadian vaccine recommendations for the 2009-10 season. However, for some reason, they had a good deal of difficulty getting their study finally published. (Skowronski, PLoS Med 2010;7(4):e1000258) This observational study was a revelation, even a shock, to many public health experts. US officials never publicly acknowledged the findings”
I’m having mine on wednesday only side effect I have ever had is a slightly sore bump on the site. The danger to me of flu and death trumps anything that anyone tells me about the vaccine.
It was they who found that the 2008-9 flu shot doubled the risk of illness from the 2009 H1N1 pandemic flu. Their observations were considered important enough to alter Canadian vaccine recommendations for the 2009-10 season.
The point of note here is the history of suppression of information and the underhand tactics the industry has used and continues to use to dupe people into having a useless vaccine. When you look at that history you realise these people can not (and must not) be trusted.
I have allergies prevent me taking many antibiotics if I get a chest infection it could kill me realist, I will do anything I can to avoid the need to take antibiotics. I am at great risk from flu as many are, you may be very healthy many of us aren’t and our risks increase with our other illnesses.
I know but if I get a cold for instance it often turns into a chest infection, flu could do the same. Viruses can cause you to be so ill you become susceptible to bacterial infections I believe. So I take no chances I do anything to avoid putting myself at risk.
This has nothing to do with flu or the flu vaccine. You will still have the same chance of catching a cold as everyone else, well actually you’ll have a slightly increased chance as the vaccines appear to lower the immune system for a time.
Except that by having the flu shot you ARE putting yourself at risk. It doesn’t do anything tangible to prevent you getting the flu but it does put strain on the immune system leaving you vulnerable to virus and infections. Nothing to gain, much to lose.
Because he likes to say the same thing every year and for some reason a lot of us including me say the same things back. Could just resurrect the threads from the past five years instead of starting a new one each year.