Self-defence for the older person

You don’t; it’s illegal, at least in this country. Strangely, though, it is permitted in other countries so that innocent women have some sort of chance against rapists and the like.

I can only assume that our powers-that-be, don’t worry too much about rape.

Of course, although it is illegal there are ways and means. You can make your own and carry it about quite legally. I think some have posted examples on here.

Oh, thanks JBR. :slight_smile:

Sorry…acronym for Law Enforcement Officer. :smiley:

Here in Canada you can purchase pepper spray legally as its sold as “bear repellant”. My 87 yr old mother carries a canister in her purse.

Anything legally available as a tool for self-defence is also legally available to those that could use it as a weapon.

I’m guessing that’s just for the bears.:smiley:

That’s very true.

Hair spray though, for example, is likely to be seen as something a woman might reasonably have in her handbag, but a rapist?

Then there are some excellent anti-rape devices here:

Makes your eyes water!

LOL, they come in all shapes and sizes around here:cool: One Outdoors store that sells it makes you sign an acknowledgement that you purchased it for protection from bears.

With a small chain attached…and a Zippo lighter:lol:

Here’s a source of instructional DVDs that might jog your memory:

Make some Fire Sand. Get a half pound coarse sand and place in an enamel or stainless steel saucepan with tight lid. Cover with water, throw in about 5 Scotch Bonnets (peppers) split in two. Lid, bring to a boil, let cool. Strain. Spread the sand on a cookie sheet and dry it out in a warm oven. It works better than pepper spray.

None of that is necessary.

The best form of self defence, as I have posted on this forum before, is Llap Goch, the ancient Welsh art of self defence.

What about “Ecky Thump”


Frankly I suspect a fourth year practitioner of the deadly art of Dancercise could whip both, but would likely lose to a Master of Pilates (its just such a violent art).

unless u can act like Jason stathom forget the handling bit ’

the best thing is a alarm that screams blue murder in your pocket or bag ’ or pepper straight to the face ; it will cause enough confusing for a run off.

I’ve heard that hair spray to the face is effective too, and perfectly legal for women (and I suppose certain men) to carry in their handbag!

When once my path was repeatedly blocked by a man who demanded a cigarette after pointing at the one I was smoking. I saw that his t-shirt was tucked in. I donated my own lit cigarette to his quest, down inside the front of his t-shirt and pushed him to the floor. He was even stupid enough to roll over onto his front and make the cigarette burn him even more. The guy was burned enough to scream like a bitch and would think twice before doing to somebody again, especially me!

The best self-defence in the world is to be one sandwich short of your full picnic (off your hinges) and prepared to do anything, no matter how inhumane it might seem. All I ask for is that the world does not touch me, grab me or block my path, when not invited. If they do, I process them, imaginatively, and go home and watch TV. I have no conscience about it, at all.

If they hurt me, my friends, family or neighbours, I turn them into a rest-of-life hobby, and I always get to say, “Well, they started it!”

No I would never think about a self defence class,…if someone wants to get you,they will!..