Pity Swimmy, so bright tonight, but the second sighting was there one minute and gone the next just like a light switch turned off…I keep expecting it to have landed on my lawn overnight…Well judging by the size of the light it’s not very big is it…
Should be a cracker tonight at 8:31pm super bright
It was brilliant here, first time it seemed to have some shape to it, rather than just looking like a dot
I do like watching it go over.
Last night was lovely and clear.
There were three aeroplanes going in different directions last night too and it made me wonder on the technology that keeps them all from crashing into each other.
It also made me wonder whether the plane crew and passengers see the space station close up while they are up there?
Do you think the pilot gets a good view of it ?
Not necessarily Mups, it’s all about the reflection of light, and if the angle of viewing is wrong the light won’t reflect properly, and it would be invisible to the pilot…
I missed it tonight due to getting a phone call but if all is well tomorrow, I might try my bins to see if I can make out any shape.
Hi Foxy, I’m really surprised at that.
I imagined if the plane was flying in a night sky, a huge bright light floating by the cockpit by would have been unmissable.
How does the space station compare in size to an aeroplane?
Ha Ha I missed that :-p
Another nice Northern picture off my fb feed tonight, no ISS in this one
It would not be massive from a plane Mups as a plane flies at about say 12 km height and the Space Station is at a height of 408 km.
Length of the Space Station is about 239 feet
Length of a Airbus 380 is about 240 feet
so just about the same size!
Thank you Colin.
I am quite surprised they are almost exactly the same size.
I didn’t know anything about how hight they both flew though, so thanks.
I live and learn.
To be honest I was a but surprised when I checked there that they are almost the same size but the Space Station is way up there in Space :shock:
And has no light source. So without the sun reflecting off the solar panels it would be invisible Mups…The sun only appears at one side of planet earth (unless we are to believe the conspiracy theorists who reckon the earth is flat) so it would remain invisible for most of the time…Hence the list of viewing times kindly presented by Nicol and Colin…
Me too. I thought the space station would be much bigger.
Good one tonight at 7:41pm for about 4 minutes…
Tried that on Saturday, made no difference, just a slightly bigger bright dot.
Ok Thanks.
That’s early.
Totally cloudy here
Cloudy here but still managed to see it, good overhead pass.
Didn’t see anything here.