Schools are failing children

It continues to happen.
My order at Maccas was $10.55 I handed over a $20 note plus 55 cents. The girl put the 55 cents on the counter and proceeded to give me multiple change.
No, please use the change I gave you and give me a $10 note.
But you gave me $20.
I gave you $20.55 so you can give me a $10 note. She was so confused.
Sure, she was young but she has finished school

Its a two way street, some kids are failing School.


That used to happen to me all the time. I was discouraged about the future, but there are some really smart young people online. That restores my faith some. Maybe it’s just a sign of the times that cash is going out of vogue. It wasn’t when I was paying cash but luckily for those young people, it’s going that way now.

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I still look to the street, not the information super highway.

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School is very different these days. Pupils did as they were told back in the day, did their work and learned (mostly) Had a healthy respect for the teachers and were mostly terrified of being sent to the head.
Thanks to the hands off Do Gooders it’s seems the kids run the school these days not the teachers. My sister was a teacher before she retired and she couldn’t get away quick enough. Said it was two different worlds from when she started in the job to when she left.


I wish I had gone to your School Rox, some of the twerps at my institution were an education in itself but not in the manner of official curriculum.

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I went to a private school with day pupils and boarders, it was very strict. đź«Ł


My school was more fluid, the game was guessing which kid was going to disappear to Borstal next.


When did doing good become a bad thing?

Hitler thought he was doing good, as did Thatcher

They have been failing school since Blair gave them the kid leather glove treatment. That prolific abuser of everything that was decent, has a lot to answer for🤬

My boarding school did not take day pupils, but yes it was strict and certainly made us all very aware of everything we needed for successful life. I doubt if I would be the man that I am without their input and dedicationđź‘Ť

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the same applies to all us LongDrier, we are what someone made us, ok we didnt always make the right selections at the right time…
but with the technical facilities we have today the finest teachings should be beamed into every school… there is no excuse for bad education… village schools can be taught by the cream educators via TV

The main flaw with that is, it doesn’t happen in the state education system. With my MP, Nick Gibb, now in post as The School’s Minister, I cannot foresee anything changing as Gibb is a fence sitter who tends to be conspicuous by his absence when anything hits the fan. There was a time when I was always sending him mail, but he is shoulder shrugger and points me towards another scapegoat rather than directly address my concerns.
According to one publication, Mr Gibb is considered to be a “divisive figure,” regarded as “somewhat of a hero to fans of traditional education methods, he is widely disliked by progressives”. To not be progressive, to me smacks of stuck in a rut!!

So you would describe Hitler and Thatcher as do gooders?

It started way before Blair in the late 60s / early 70s. Instead of kids sitting facing the teacher we had to sit around tables facing each other. Apparently this was to help us learn collaboratively…what happened is that everyone would get distracted by kids around them and half the lesson was missed. The teacher spent half the time trying to stop kids from talking to each other or copying each other’s answers.

It’s trendy teaching methods that have let children down. I think these came from the hippy days of the 60s. Comprehensive education followed. To allow children to learn at their own pace…then they dumbed down O-levels making them GCSEs. That happened in the 80s. I was part of one of the last groups for O-levels.


certainly not, but I suspect they thought they were doing good…

AnnieS, i agre that the wanna be progress was in fact digress…
we can all remember the good teachers, some were exceptional but they were few and far between. i dont doubt that every teacher goes in full of good intentions, but get the reins ripped from their grasp and told to follow the book. I honest believe that the younger generations fixation with the small screen should be harnessed, and each lesson by the exceptional teachers be filmed and broacast to the nation schools… certainly you could opt out and send your child to a private school or even teach them at home, but for the rest of the kids, the mainstream they could learn from the screens…

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