My shower runs 6ltrs of cold water before it becomes warm enough to step into so I’ve bought a bucket which sits in the bath and I run the water into the bucket then move it over and step in . I’ve watered the pot plants in the heat and now am using to flush the toilet . It’s too expensive to have the pipes changed in the house from boiler in kitchen to bathroom upstairs.
It is quite funny seeing Britain discussing water savings. Most toilets here have two buttons, a half flush and full flush.
The poem Muddy quotes was used during the Millennium drought when Dam levels got down to 25%.
Sydney Water also issued egg timers for timing a shower. I still have mine in the bathroom, it has come in handy when my grandkids visit otherwise they would empty my 250L hot water tank when they were younger.
The standing and additional charges on our water bills are always higher than the water actually used. So I think the water itself is quite cheap.
I do wash up in a bowl and use for watering the garden though.