Saving power?

My power charge has gone through the roof.

With a view to saving power I wondered if I was going to be out of the house for 8 hours would it be cheaper to leave the central heating on or turn it back on when we get home?

I know it would be a tremendous boost to the boiler to get up to room temperature again & we would of course be cold but we could always turn the ceramic heater on while the boiler was doing it’s stuff.

Cheaper to leave heating on or turn it off?

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I’d turn it off if you are you are going to be away for that long. You could always fit a timer switch so you could turn it on about half an hour before you got home.


Leave it on, but lower the setting. I’m sure it’s got to be more expensive heating the water from scratch each time

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Two theories, one being that part of the key to success is to keep the walls warm which won’t happen if you turn the heating off.

Whatever you decide Carol, I’d be inclined to turn the radiators off in rooms you’re not going to use often and keep the doors shut.