Sajid Javid says healthcare should begin at home

In his speech at the Tories’ conference, Sajid Javid said health and social care “begins at home” and people should go to family for support before the state.

The health secretary said:

“The State was needed in this pandemic more than any time in peacetime. But government shouldn’t own all risks and responsibilities in life. We as citizens have to take some responsibility for our health too. We shouldn’t always go first to the State. What kind of society would that be? Health – and social care – begins at home. Family first, then community, then the State. If you do need support, we live in a compassionate, developed country that can afford to help with that. There are few higher callings than to care for another person.”

Bring back the shaman for Sajid … :skull:

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It doesn’t sound like it to me.


searches for the old dusty book on medicinal herbs

Oh I’m sure he doesn’t mean it that way at all… :joy:

orders cauldron from amazon…next day delivery


Yet another conservative who has no idea how the world works


Wasn’t it Tebbit who told people to “get on your bike”. Be prepared to be independent - move away from your locality and relatives to find work - be mobile.
Will someone please tell me how Javid reconciles what Tebbit told everyone to do and what he is now telling people - go to family first, then community and finally the state for healthcare.

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I hope it’s a copy of Culpeppers book.


Could I recommend.
The Hedge Witch’s Way: Magical Spirituality for the Lone Spellcaster, it’s available via Amazon. :grin:


The book you recommended sounds really interesting, but I’m thinking of a more practical herbal medicinal book, without the spells. There was a times years ago when I explored that, but it isn’t for me now. Culpepers book looks good :+1:


Tut tut … and it was only a few days ago Javid was beavering away trying to get our elusive GPs back to the good old days of face to face appointments… instead of reportedly knocking up 100,000 per annum for a measly 3 days work.


It was and I did. 1983 saw me on the dole. I saw a job advertised based in Rome so I applied. I got the job and started there in Jan 1984 on a vastly higher salary and perks than I was earning before I was made redundant.

The reason our GP’s are NOT getting back to the good old days - is because they are hustling their patients to give them both the flu jab and the covid booster…for which the GP surgery pockets a huge £17 per patient! Meanwhile the vaccine hubs which were created specifically to give covid jabs, are running part time!

Our blood tests and all jabs are NOT carried out within the Doctors Surgery at all.
Leaves them free to deal with Patients with health problems
If you need an hour with your Doctor that is what you get…he will deal with all your issues however long or short it takes.

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Mmmm, sounds like and excuse for not helping the elderly with the cost of social care to me and not providing more support.

Social care begins at home? In other words, throw the burden back on unpaid family carers, often women, often past retirement age themselves

Or have to use all your savings and your home to pay for it

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That sounds reasonable. Whenever I’m ill it usually begins at home.

The nurse does the vaccines in our surgery. Covid jabs were done by nursing staff or retired doctors who had volunteered at local vaccination centres. The big vaccine centres were not appealing to a lot of people who wanted something more local.

Gps get paid for all sorts of services as do pharmacies. If you have your flu or covid jab at a pharmacy they get paid too. But nobody is having a pop at pharmacies because the media currently have it in for GPs.

Sajid javid is a big fan of Ayn Rand. Any Rand believed compassion was evil.

Anyway this article headline is misleading. He is clearly talking about social care rather than advising people to avoid going to their GP.