Sad day!

Such a sad loss for you Ciderman, what a beautiful boy he was, :frowning:

So sorry for the loss of your lovely boy, Ciderman.
I feel for you.
Poor little Rosie too, if only we could explain to them about their friend.
One of mine looked for over three months for her friend, so give her time.
Healing thoughts sent to you all. :hug:

Oh Ciderman I’m so sorry to read this, you must be feeling wretched. He was a good friend to you, and to poor little Rosie who must be so bewildered now. When more than one dog share a home they can create their own pecking order, and now Rosie has not just lost a friend, but maybe she’s lost her Alpha male as well, and doesn’t know who to look to for leadership, bless her. Give her time, she will slowly become accustomed to life without Chum. As will you all :hug:

Thank you all for your kind thoughts.

What a lovely dog, Ciderman
I’m so sorry.

Sorry for your loss

My daughter who lives in Wellington painted this picture for us and it now hangs on the wall .

Oh that’s a lovely painting Ciderman, what a lovely thing to do for you :smiley:

so sorry to hear about you beloved pet, they are family and leave a huge hole in your heart when they go, he obviously had a very loving home ,and he’ll never be very far from you…

Beautiful memory for you . I too have an amazing painting of my lovely dogs 18yrs on and I still remember their smell and their love to this day . I wont post it as this is your thread and feelings but I will one day . They are always with us

That’s really beautiful Ciderman.
Our pets live in our hearts forever.
May the grieve gradually subside.

Ciderman I was so sorry to read of your loss
Chum was indeed a lovely dog, you were blessed to have him
but so was he to have shared his life with you.

Sending you healing thoughts and hugs :hug: