Runner Beans

All that wasted effort Muddy :frowning: never mind, that’s gardening for you.
On the plus side my herb garden is full of Mediterranean plants and they love the sun.
There is always next year :smiley:

I have some herbs but I tend to look at them rather than use them !

I tried Firestorm last year for a change but was quite disappointed, so I’ve gone back to the old favourite Moonlight, which always seems to perform very well and with really tasty stringless pods.:slight_smile:

I’m a twit, Barry :blush: Just had a look at the packet, and it’s not ‘Firestorm’ at all, it’s ‘SNOWstorm’.

I knew it was some sort of storm. :smiley:

I did wonder when you said white flowers… :lol:

My Summer Medley beans seem to be doing well but only about an inch long at the moment. I had a count up this morning and have counted about a hundred, that’s on six canes.

I have some more at the end of the garden but I don’t know what type they are. The flowers are white, pink and sort of cream. They are slightly behind which is good. I can’t wait to try them all.

I always grow ‘Aintree’ runner beans, they have a lovely flavour and are not stringy. So many beans seem to have little taste these days.

I am making a note of all these names. :-p

Could they be ‘Painted Lady’ , does that ring a bell?
They are quite a pretty red & white flower. My friend used to grow them.

Oh dear. I’m all confused Mups, it must be the heat. :blush:

I have just remembered that they are the Summer Medley ones.

The ones I bought from the hardware shop with no label are all bright red flowers,

There there petal, donj’t upset yourself. It’s not important.
Come and sit down and I’ll make you a nice cold drink. :smiley:


I can’t believe how fast beans grow. They have doubled in size in two days.

You should have kept the cow !

We are now into the beanfest, our latest picking this morning gave us enough for lunch and enough to supply three neighbours as well … :slight_smile:

Mine are not at that stage yet, only two to three inches long at most.

I have noticed that they are furry to the touch (like touching a peach). Is that normal?

:lol: my beans are smooth LD …
mmm could be broad beans not runner beans :mrgreen:

Could be, I have no idea what they are tbh although they do seem a bti smoother today.

Today is the day!

I will be picking and cooking the first of them today.

Just wondering if anyone has tried freezing them and was it worth it? I understand the best way is to par boil them, then slice, drain and freeze in bags.

I’ve tried all methods unsuccessfully over the years so I no longer bother, we just enjoy them during the season and enjoy giving our surplus away, but no doubt some members manage to freeze them with success?

Thanks Barry.

That will save me wasting time trying. :023: