Runner Beans

:lol::lol: That did actually cross my mind when I was out there scratching my head. :-p

Hi LD :slight_smile: I sowed one lot of beans in pots at the end of April and put them in spare bedroom, they were up in a week/hardened off /planted out and are doing ok .

I decided to plant another row to stagger the crop , I sowed them directly into the ground over two weeks ago and there is no sign of them :confused:.

My brother in law planted a first lot in his greenhouse at the end of April and there is no sign of them .

Spooky! :shock:

That’s weird, I’m sure it has been warm enough to start them off. Oh well, I just need to be more patient I suppose. The plants I bought last year came up quickly but I wasn’t over keen on the beans themselves whereas this time I have some recommended on here.

LD :slight_smile: have you got any beans left, if so I would sow them now in a big pot and start them off in the house as ‘insurance’ in case the others don’t come up .
Luckily I did this with my spare beans intending to give them away. Yesterday I dug where I had planted the beans directly into the ground and there is no sign of them :shock: I have planted out my 'spare ’ beans so should be ok.

Yes good idea Meg. Why didn’t I think of that? :017:

I have a few left and a pot load from last years as a last resort.

My beans have been a disaster too, in fact I had to order some plants in as an insurance and they arrived today… first time they’ve ever failed me, no idea what went wrong… :shock:

This is getting weirder by the minute Barry.


The Woodpigeons have had mine, and my French Beans.

Never an issue in the Village, I shot them.

Can’t do that in town with my garden backing onto the School Playing Fields.

I know I shouldn’t but I had to laugh at that. Reminds me of Leslie from the Durrells. :lol:

Gosh Barry :shock: that’s unusual for you.
My BIL a seasoned gardener who lives not that far from you in Derbyshire has never had a failure with beans before. He wonders if there was a faulty batch of seeds being distributed by many suppliers. He knows others on the allotment who have had problems this year.

Having received a very late order from Thompsons and Morgans last year where my BIL gets his seeds I tried Fothergills this year .

Looking good so far…

Swimm the beggers ate every last leaf on my Purple Sprouting Broccoli :twisted: they are a real pain.

It isn’t too late to plant some more.

I changed from T&M to Marshalls this year but many of the seeds just rotted off, and out of those that did germinate I only got four plants to thrive. If the beans do turn out well this year then I will leave some to mature on the plants and keep them for next year’s seed…

I bring news…:041:

Two shoots have appeared this morning, one in the pot and one in what I will be calling Meg’s trench. That’s two out of twenty so far.

:smiley: success ended LD, I hope there are many other shoots to follow.

Thanks Meg… I’m like a proud father this morning. :-p

Big Congrats, Longy, on your new babas!

I had a feeling it was a bad year for Runner Bean seeds not growing. My first lot have done nothing but start to rot.
I have planted some more and hope these will do better.

Oh dear you too Art :frowning: I hope you have more success with the second lot.

Thanks Art. I now have sextuplets. :lol:

Congratulations on your multiple births LD, I resorted to buying in new plants and they are growing away strongly, so although I will always feel that I have cheated at least we will have something tasty on the plate later in the year… :wink:

Well done Barry. Still a strange thing to happen though and why have mine suddenly started growing and others haven’t? Just the slugs to deal with now.