RR Secures funding for SMR ptoduction

Bit of good news, RR have set up a new company in partnership with other
engineering companies after getting funding from government and private
Most of the new infrastructure for this will be situated in the north of England
and is expected to create 10,000 new jobs initially, leading to possibly
40,000 later!!
This is very good news as it is exactly what this country needs to balance it’s
economy and increase its skills base in the future, plus,if things go well, it will
solve our power supply and our green economy plans as well??
It is thought that the first prototype will be on test in early 2030 so not too
long to wait??
Donkeyman! :+1::grin::+1:


You’re overselling it a bit but I am pleased that 10,000 jobs will “balance the economy”, though it must be a very small economy if that is the case.

What on earth is SMR? - I looked it up - Steam Methane Refining? That can’t be right.

That’s like Scotty and his $250million support for EV charging stations, $10 per person is just not going to make much difference.

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Based on a word search, this is my guess. RR = Rollls Royce SMR = small modular reactors


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@butterscotch , Oh Brucy is just trying to justify his long ago
decision to emigrate to Ozzie butterscotch !
To do that he feels the need to denigrate any good thing that happens here
poor boy??
Sadly, not much good has happened over the last decade due to shoddy
government decisions etc, so when something good does happen then
I feel we should celebrate !!
Donkeyman! :+1::grin::grin::+1:

@Bruce , You overlook the main point of my post Brucy ?
Which was the POTENTIAL of this venture!!
You also did not read the post properly, you seem to have missed the word
You also did not stay on topic?
What more can l say ?
Donkeyman! :+1::+1:

Thank you @butterscotch for interpreting the post, I hate it when members post using initials instead of names and no link whatever to the subject. :roll_eyes:


Yes Donks, I too have been following RR and their small modular reactor way of generating our leccie. Each reactor being capable of serving 1M homes sure is inviting, but being right now each need a good and abundant supply of cooling water, only coastal site locations would be considered at this moment in time. I’m sure that once the water cooling problem has been solved, inland sites will be considered too. I’m certainly not a reactor engineer, but if that waste heat can be converted into leccie, then vast amounts of water will not be required :+1:

@LongDriver , Yes, a good point LD, But l think that will only come into the
equation when we start exporting the reactors to landlocked countries ??
In UK’s case it will not matter due to the small size of this island ??
I wonder how the nuclear submarines deal with this ? I believe they have
a completely self contained cooling system which recycles the cooling
water, due to not leaving a warm water footprint behind them ??
BTW, there was a nuclear power station on lake Trawsfynned in Wales
in the 1950’s ! I don’t know if it’s still there ??
Donkeyman! :thinking::thinking:

Yeah, loop heat exchangers going by the nickname ‘drain-coolers’. It’s supposed to be top secret, but it’s the worst secret I’ve come across :wink:

@LongDriver , Oooer! I think l must read too much science fiction then??
Donkeyman! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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I saw this article yesterday which is also very good news…

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I looked up public support for nuclear energy in the UK because the US doesn’t support nuclear energy as a whole.

The UK’s support of nuclear energy has risen a lot, especially during 2021.

@DianneWoollie , ?? ?? ??
Donkeyman! :thinking::thinking:

What is your query…
Just showing a link about new jobs…???back atcha

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@DianneWoollie , My mistake my dear, l should not have used acronyms
for the thread title, l have allready been chastised by Mags :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:
Donkeyman! :frowning::frowning:

Be a Big Mistake to call a female My Dear @Donkeygob…just so you know…Old Chap… :innocent:

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@DianneWoollie , Oooer !! What would you prefer to be called then ,
Old girl ??
Donkeygob! :grin::roll_eyes::grin:

Sticks and Stones…My name is Dianne.
and I don’t mine Di…to my friends that is… :innocent:
ohhh @ Donkeygob!

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@DianneWoollie , off topic !!
D man!!

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Yes that is correct…I have my own agenda regarding rules… :innocent: :v:

ohhh @Donkeygobber!..fools to follow…

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