Royal Mail owners to back £5bn takeover offer

Disgraceful that the Royal Mail was ever placed on the Stock Exchange. The very prefix “Royal” should remain Royal ie The Nations.
And be Re Nationalise. “OUT OF THE ROYAL PURSE”.
Its a “National Treasure”. No different from that, less beneficial to the populace. In The Tower.


It went down the drain after I left.


Today’s papers show the accepted offer at £3.75bn - so not even £5bn.
But was this a thing to privatise, put a value on and have people siphon money from? I know that increased online purchases have changed the face of post deliveries. I’m just not sure that dumping this historic and essential service into private ownership was the right answer.

Should The Board of Directors & Principle Shareholders. Benefit [Be Fiscally Enhanced] from this Resale.
Or be Financially Penalised.
For being party to Demonising Post Masters. And bringing a 170yr old Royal, National Treasure, into Disarray.

“Bet on a horse and the horse falls. Your Loss”.

Probably because they started employing homeless postmen :wink:

I don’t understand how it kept the title “Royal” once it was privatised.


Not Thames Water I hope!

I’m not sure what it means to be able to contain the word ‘Royal’ in the title Bruce. I would imagine it’s something to do with ‘Royal Appointment’ that you often see on products. Or something to do with the fact that the Queens and King’s head appears on most of the stamps.
When I worked for them the unions wanted to scrap post deliveries on a Saturday, but apparently some royal charter, and their obligation to deliver to every house, in the country every day (post allowing) except Sunday prevented that from happening.
I don’t suppose it matters who provides the money to keep the business going efficiently, as long as it does. The establishment can take back control of the company if the current owners don’t run it efficiently, as they have done with LNER.