Great thread Foxy, keep them paces going, use it or lose it, can I stick a couple of photos on here of my urban walks?
You most certainly can Spitty, it will be good to see Ya…
I would like to see them!
Just checking to see if you restarted your rambles again, Bob?
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Thanks @Mags as soon as I’m back up to speed I’ll be adding a few new rambles, but for now I’ve been contemplating catching up with the ‘Trig Hunting’ (not as strenuous) There are a couple round Scarborough that I missed. One I failed to find, another was in the middle of a field of crops, that should be harvested now, and a third one where I run out of time…It will also get Mrs Fox out of the house for a change of scenery…
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That’s good to hear Bob, just make sure you take things easy and don’t push yourself too much.
It will be good for Mrs Fox to get out in the fresh air too.
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