Ridiculous goals

I think it’s a lovely goal!

I’m terrible for having Fads, yes I see something or have an idea and that’s it…. For the next day sometimes weeks, I live train and plan to achieve my dream…… but all too often, I wake up having lost all enthusiasm, because I have another idea/dream.

I wouldn’t say my Fads/dreams are ridiculous, as to me they are/were achievable

A special Trek, a Balloon flight, Trekking through Europe with a camera or a Bike rid are not on my list, but they all sound great and offer a wonderful experience.

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One task that always has me dreading, is the tackle. The tackle? Yes, changing my bloomin great big duvet cover. My bed is one of those 7ft square jobs, so you can imaging just how large the duvet is. To change the cover is a mammoth job and not one I relish, so my goal is to find a device that will make my task easier. The best way I have devised to date is to deploy two click-grip clamps to hold the duvet to the bedhead while I fight the bugga of a cover to draw it up and over the duvet …that exhausts me, but I’ve yet to find an easier process.

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Learn to tango. I’ve always loved ballroom dancing. But I never managed to master them (no time, other priorities). Always put it off for later