Rhino Run video

only need 6 more people to view and then will reach 190,000 views. So people are still watching my video

Just as a matter of interest have you ever used that device you demo’d in your kitchen that rotates in a circle around an object? When I say used I mean to actually produce a video or use as part of a video rather than a test, presumably it cost a fair bit but I never understood what you intended to use it for.

This thing:

Bruce I had to send it back the micro usb port wasn’t secure, so when I went to recharge pushing the power lead in the port bent and broke. I got my money back though and told them what had happened and what needed doing. it was not an expensive gadget

Done it broke the 190,000 views barrier with 190,025 now

still being viewed now 190,202 views

That rhino must be the most famous rhino in the world, yet who even knows its name? :thinking:

His name is Bob.


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Bob Rhino? :thinking:

Robbie Rhino. :115:

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Robbie Rhino! :+1:

His mate is called Edith.

Shouldn’t it be Rita, or Rosalinda, or something like that? :017:

Rebecca? :thinking:

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Rebecca Rhino? Oh please no!

Ryleigh? Ryleigh Rhino :joy:

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Is that even a real name?

Not that it couldn’t be. :thinking:

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Well I did make it up
Riley is a male name, so I just feminised it. Of course, I am assuming that it is a male & female. I could be wrong though.

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Lionel the Rhino :rhinoceros: has a nice ring to it. I quite fancy it

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Well what’s the worst that can happen if you are? :102:

Don’t worry about it. :slightly_smiling_face:

Isabelle has an even better one. :slightly_smiling_face:


Bell? Bell the rhino? Rhinobell?

Lino the rhino! :joy:

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You little Pixie genius. That is inspirational. :+1:

Rhinobell, I just met a rhino called Rhinobell
say it loud and there’s music playing, say it soft and
 :notes: :musical_note:

Haha! Well get the song on youtube :joy:

190,502 views with 346 sub scribers so still the numbers keep gpoing up albeit slowely