Rewilding the verges

@Mups , Try pumping your tyres up Mups ??
You may be able to see further ??:grin::grin:
Donkeyman! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Cheeky blighter. :laughing:

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Tyre pressures went metric too, didn’t they.
I mean, who honestly understand all this clap trap!

Convert pressure values from kPa units to psi pressure units using the following method:

1 psi = 6894.76 Pascals (Pa)
1 kPa = 1000 Pascals (Pa)
psi value x 6894.76 Pa = kPa value x 1000 Pa.
psi value = kPa value x 0.145038..

It is far easier to use a conversion of 7 which is close enough ie 32psi x 7 = 224kpa or 300kpa / 7 = 43psi. The gauges at the servos here have both anyway.

It just doesn’t sink in with me, Bruce. You might as well be talking double Dutch. :frowning_face:

Thanks for trying though. :slightly_smiling_face:

if some of you stopped removing your front lawns and concreting or shailing them down for car parking it might help too?

I can see how that would help the water table figures, Gummy, but what on earth has it to do with road safety issues?


well I always thought that starting your motoring journey out of a green jungle gave you an air of peace and tranquility and slow down the urge to kill on the roads??

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I did start a line on rewilding but can’t remember which forum as I am on quite a few but it fizzled out and it was a british forum - the brits like to go away for cosy w/ends in the forests but still don’t understand rewilding do they?

Says the expat Ozzie who can’t keep off British social forums :slight_smile:

no laws against it mudflaps?

None at all Gumball you can talk crapadoodle as much as you like if it makes you happy :slight_smile:

Well yes and no .
In some places the verges have been stripped of grass and seeded with wild flowers to give them a chance to get established . However grasses left to grow still ( around here ) have some wild plants in them as they are have vestiges of old meadowlands as do old railway and motorway embankments.I have always thought it a waste of money to cut verges that are not a danger to vision In the countryside . .

You are right about the front gardens being all slabs and tarmac, it has been said many time.
But as Tabby said, it is roadside verges we were on about, and the safety of motorists which has nowt to do with front gardens.

when the front gardens go the rot has set in!


I have often pondered what the point was of front gardens. No one sits in them, children don’t play in them. They are only there to distance your property from the road - so why not pave them - park your cars in them and free the road space for moving traffic? If you want them to look pretty you can always dot a few planters about.


I always think some councils go in for re-wilding as a cheap and lazy option

To rewild an area properly, it needs careful and knowledgable maintenance, not just leaving it to itself and doing nothing :seedling:

They need to eliminate non native plants and dangerous plant, scatter wild flower seeds, check for rodents and pests and keep everything to a safe height and maintain drainage etc

In some ways in needs more input than just cutting it back


Which is what I said earlier.

Proper rewilding does not happen just because the someone doesn’t cut anything, the seeds for what ever it is they want to grow need to be sown or better still plug plants, councils are just lazy or don’t have the staff we have one guy in this town doing crass cutting etc, he can’t cope.


Oh I do…I have a hedge that shields me from the road, and my front garden gets the morning sun so I’m quite happy sitting in it reading a book! :smiley:

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I suspect you’re right, Caricature.
That’s more like the truth really.

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