Reset Demorcracy

How will you find more spending with less growth?

EG NHS receives hundreds of billions more now than in 2016

Less growth means government doesn’t have to keep expanding services, laying infrastructure, building more things

Find a “sweet spot”, stick to it
that keeps the budget reasonable, and money is there for needed repairs and upgrades to existent systems.
Where I live, they are encouraging more people to move there, building more housing, and having to increase the infrastructure for those places
which costs money

If they didn’t encourage that, they wouldn;t be spending all that money

This thread seems to have got a bit stuck in NHS expenditure chat. Which is not wrong - but needs something about the drivers of NHS costs. Not nurses or doctors costs but the illness that requires care - especially preventable illness.

  1. Overweight. Preventable, or reduceable, with tax and legislation. Improved by social fitness funding.
  2. Diabetes (type 2). See 1
  3. Alcohol abuse. Tax tax tax

We either grow / stagnate, with each there will be pain

“which do you want ?
The pain of staying where you are,
or the pain of growing ?”

“If you’re not growing, you’re either stagnant, or slowly dying- spiritually + emotionally. It’s challenging because choosing to stay where we are is rooted in the familiarity of where we are. We see it, we know it, we recognize it
 because it’s what we’ve always known. Familiarity provides a sense of comfort
and yet if you’re not careful it can also be a false safety that leaves us entangled— trapped
 in a world of dysfunction.”

Taylor Madu

When I see the absolute rubbish that people buy their kids to eat, I know its only going to get worse in the future. :frowning: