Religion will never die out, will it?

At the last count there are 4200 Religious denominations. Surely the number will only ever grow?
Atheism is growing but Religion is also growing.

Faith is constant.

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Itā€™s a very good way of enabling a small amount of people to control a much larger amount of people,so I donā€™t think so.

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There is a correlation of higher intellect to atheism, so hopefully the more people are educated the less they will believe in made up stuff. The only thing that worries me is the increasing amount of mind-numbing ā€˜foodā€™ items and ingredients. Food is so de-natured now and people are pushed to eating crap that literally makes them ā€˜slowā€™ - such as wheat/gluten.

The romans knew exactly what they were saying when they said give people bread and circus (to keep them subjugated) - gluten is a known neurotransmitter blocker and can have lasting effect if fed in the formative years :upside_down_face:

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That canā€™t be right surely? Unless you mean as absolute numbers as the population grows because statistics suggest otherwise.

What I find interesting is how religion changes with immigration. Buddhism used to be the fastest growing religion in Australia now it is Hinduism. But before we started worrying, the overall stats for religion at the last census were:

  • Christianity (43.9%)
  • No religion (38.9%)
  • Islam (3.2%)
  • Hinduism (2.7%)
  • Buddhism (2.4%)

Nothing to worry about there.


Sorry, I should have referenced the ABS page

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Maybe it wonā€™t matter what one believes as the time / future progresses. Today everyone has their eyes glued to the Cell Phone Screen, Internet be it Cell or Computer. I guess the Chip will rule the beliefs as the time passes is a fair guess.


France banned religion in State Schools around 1900ā€¦think about why that happened.
It was because of constant wars and the different beliefs that made life just impossible to live a peaceful existenceā€¦


I think as long as everyone is singing from the same song sheet, peace and tranquility will prevailā€¦And then along came globalismā€¦So many religions and different races all living together in an overcrowded town or cityā€¦What did they think would happen.
We are not all the same! :009: Despite what the establishment wants you to think.


A recipe for peace and harmony.

Itā€™s when people are segregated, divided by frontiers they have a tendency to fight.


Or perhaps having borders and frontiers allows people to celebrate their own culture and traditions as they see fit, people are always going to fight regardless. Iā€™m getting rather tired of the melting pot one size fits all mentality!


I was talking last week to a Lady in Morocco and she had been fasting and her religion thoughts she told meā€¦ā€˜ā€˜I find that any problem I have I can talk via my religion and feel at peace again. It has solved so many issues so far in my life and I could not live the same without itā€™ā€™ā€¦
She was very sincere and I felt it was a good thing for her.
For me, I just do not understand the various Religions and am an Atheist. I feel sometimes that it is helpful to many, but to me itā€™s a kind of a propā€¦There are other ways to make lifeā€™s ā€˜hic upsā€™ smooth out ā€¦cannot imagine me ever talking to a God though.


Well, if she has faith then good for her. I couldnā€™t even begin to comprehend the various religions, thatā€™s a tall order!


King Louis XIV of France way back. He stayed in that crown most of his life and he was responsible for many thousands of strict Protestants murderā€™sā€¦But the People kept him in power until he diedā€¦Mind you they were nearly all Catholics of courseā€¦


That could make for an interesting conversation in a pub over a few too many beers in Lewes East Sussexā€¦best not :wink:


ā€˜ā€˜Louis XIV and ReligionWith the 1685 Edict of Fontainebleau, Louis ordered the destruction of Protestant churches, the closure of Protestant schools and the expulsion of Protestant clergy. Protestants would be barred from assembling and their marriages would be deemed invalid.ā€™ā€™
Tip of the icebergā€¦non Catholics would take to what they called the dessert. Held their ceremonies in the wild. That way then they could get together for Baptisms, Burial Ceremonies and Marriages, We have bodies buried in peoples gardens here as they had no rights to a proper burialā€¦
There is one in a grave in the woods within walking distance from here and it has a statue now with a cross on it. Back in King Lā€™s time you would be stoned to death for thatā€¦around the grave is a metal fenceā€¦no flowers just weeds.
What happened a lot at that timeā€¦they Adured and agreed to give up their faith and become a real Catholicā€¦that took many guts and when they refused they were then attacked by King Lā€™s dragoones and often Murderedā€¦Many thousandā€™s escaped Franceā€¦
Louis XIV and the Huguenots | Western Civilization.

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trouble is that your middle name as wellā€¦ :rofl:

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One UK survey puts ā€œNo Religionā€ ahead (from Wikipedia)


The only religion I know anything about is Christian. And I know a lot of people who say they are Christian are not really. Iā€™m one of them, I was brought up to be a sort of pretend Christian. So I guess there are even more ā€œNo Religionā€ than these results show.


Yeah but there is no sign of trouble brewing anywhere here in the UK, is there?

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No, this a a tolerant country, I suppose I was looking at the bigger picture. Just for the sake of discussion if I were going to travel (Iā€™m not) then Iā€™d much prefer to visit places that had a sense of identity, tradition and had retained their own culture.


While iā€™m not religious at all in any way, probably due to my upbringing, i believe people should never be discouraged from following whatever path they wish to.

I do know that for many, religion is a huge part of their lives, and without it, would not have come through some very hard times.