Rebus picture quiz

Can you guess the phrase from the rebus clues ?


9 the lesser evil

almost correct just a little more please @Dachs

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Choosing the lesser evil
The lesser of two evils ?

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My three are:-
No2 - Crosse wires
No7 - Tilting at windmills
No8 - Jail break

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I feel like adding three more :wink:
No6 - Unbalanced
No12 - Tight Wad
N021 - Big Cheese

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  1. A house divided
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  1. The parting of the ways
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  1. On the outside looking in
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  1. Wide awake
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  1. United States
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  1. Six of one and half a dozen of the other
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  1. High seas
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  1. Lickety Split
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  1. G Men
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  1. Back to basics
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  1. A house divided
    2 - Crosse wires
    4 High seas
    5 Wide awake
    6 - Unbalanced
    7 - Tilting at windmills
    8 - Jail break
    9 lesser of two evils
    10 Back to basics
    12 Tight Wad
    14 The parting of the ways
    16 Six of one and half a dozen of the other
    17 On the outside looking in
    18 G Men
    20 United States
    21 Big Cheese
    23 Lickety Split

17 correct answers still No3 11 13 15 19 22 & 24 left to guess

  1. Is it as simple as ‘the middle of the night’?

13 as an end in itself

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  1. Grandstand. We need to complete this before dinner, please.
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