Rebel Prince by Tom Bowers

Excerpts from Tom Bowers book are presently being printed every day in the mail.( yes the mail but in this case it’s worth reading I am astounded that its got away with it !

It reveals all the outrageous behaviour of our Tax evading royals and the sleazy way money is raised by Prince Charles charities .

REBEL Prince: The Power, Passion And Defiance Of Prince Charles by Tom Bower is published today by William Collins

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A journalist at the end of his career supplementing inadequate pension income. Probably mostly gossip from disgruntled ex- employees. Things is it was reported that he hardly knows Prince Charles and has written a few unauthorized biographies.

Hmmm some of it must be true else Charles would sue for libel.

A first class book about the swirling tribes and places of Central Europe. Know Wroclaw well.